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发布时间:2018-08-26 09:05
[Abstract]:Distribution network is an important part of power system. Improving the technical level of distribution network planning can effectively guide the construction and transformation of distribution network and improve the power supply reliability of distribution network. The traditional distribution network planning mainly considers the minimum annual operation cost of the distribution network, while the latest research direction is to consider the reliability, economy and environmental protection at the same time. At the same time, distributed generation has become a development direction in the field of energy in recent years. The access of distributed generation will bring new challenges to the planning of distribution network. How to establish an appropriate optimization model, how to accept distributed generation and how to take into account the economy, reliability and environmental protection of distribution network planning need further research in theory and practice. By analyzing the timing characteristics of load and distributed power generation, the paper points out that the main factors that affect the output of load power and distributed power generation are industry property, season and climate difference respectively, and obtains four kinds of industries (industry, commerce, etc.) The load of agriculture and municipal life and the output timing characteristics of two distributed power sources (photovoltaic and wind). Then the whole year is divided into four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and a day is refined to 24 hours, so that it can be used in the distribution network planning model. From the point of view of the whole life cycle of the distribution network planning project, the cost composition and calculation method for the whole life cycle of the distribution network planning project with distributed generation are presented, and the power balance constraints of the distribution network are considered. Combined with the comprehensive measurement of risk and efficiency evaluation management, the planning scheme can achieve the effective combination of economic benefit, risk benefit and environmental protection benefit. Thus, the risk effectiveness cost model including the optimal planning of distribution network structure of distributed power generation is established. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to solve the problem, and the optimal planning scheme for distribution network planning with distributed power supply is obtained, which is coordinated with reliability, economy and environmental protection. The correctness and feasibility of the proposed method are verified by an example.


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