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发布时间:2018-08-28 06:27
[Abstract]:Power transmission and transformation projects have a large investment, a long construction period, a relatively complex comprehensive technology, and many factors affecting the quality, schedule and safety of the project. The relevant stakeholders involved in the project have a large number of risks in each stage of the project, if they do not take precautions, Taking measures to control the project will threaten the smooth development of the project, or even cause the project to be completed. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out scientific and systematic risk management for transmission and transformation projects, and it is of great significance to study the risk management of transmission and transformation projects. Based on the risk analysis of general transmission and transformation projects, this paper takes "35kV Ma Ling Transmission and Transformation Project" as an example to study the risk management of small and medium-sized transmission and transformation projects in Hengxian Power supply Company of Guangxi. Based on the identification of project risk, the evaluation model of project risk management is established. The risk of the project is identified, evaluated, monitored, monitored and classified. The possibility of all kinds of risks, the exposure of the risk in the whole project and the severity of the risk are analyzed quantitatively. Based on the mature safety production risk management system of main power grid enterprises and the risk control measures of power grid project construction, a set of evaluation index system is designed, which is applied to the risk control of medium and small power transmission and transformation projects under 35 kV. According to the actual situation of medium and small power transmission and transformation projects, the risk prevention and control countermeasures are formulated, and the project risk is controlled within the acceptable range. Combined with the characteristics of small and medium power transmission and transformation projects, this paper summarizes the general rules of risk management of small and medium-sized transmission and transformation projects from the perspective of project owners. The research of this paper has positive guidance and reference function for medium and small power transmission and transformation projects, especially for power grid construction projects managed by county-level power supply enterprises.


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