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发布时间:2018-08-28 08:20
【摘要】:配网自动化系统利用现代通信技术、计算机及网络技术,将配电网实时信息、电网结构参数、地理信息等进行集成,构成完整的自动化管理系统,实现配电系统正常运行及事故情况下的监测、保护、控制和配电管理。供电可靠性是指电网公司在提供稳定、持续的供电能力方面对用户的一个保证,同时也综合体现了企业的技术、装备、服务和管理水平。小区配电网作为电网最末端,也是最重要最复杂的一环,提高其供电系统稳定、可靠对用户至关重要。 据统计,普通居民用户的停电事件中有80%~95%由配网故障引起。因此,为了解决配网故障引起的居民停电事件,进一步提高配网供电的高可靠性,通过加强配网建设、研究配电网自动化、实现电网故障快速定位等各种方法,结合营销业务系统、国网GIS系统、抢修生产系统等之间的横向集成,实现营配信息融合来实现电力企业迅速、准确获取用户的地理位置信息、配网故障详细地点、抢修派单信息等,大幅度提升故障抢修及时率、客户服务满意度、规范化电力配网的管理水平等,具体的研究工作为: (1)针对供电可靠性水平不同的配电网目前未有合理统一评价模型的问题,提出配网综合量化模型和评价标准。从停电的发生频率、影响范围、持续时间等方面阐述了配电网的可靠性解耦理论,采用模糊隶属度法将指标由不同量纲的具体数值归一化为分值的标度体系,将某一指标实际数值转化为对相应工作水平的评价,建立一个有效的指标评价体系,比较系统、完整的表征配电网相关工作的可靠性水平的配网综合量化模型。 (2)针对目前电网的多套信息系统各自独立运行,无法很好的开展对配电网某一项业务的综合分析应用的问题,提出以生产为核心的信息融合目标。基于“源端唯一、全局共享”的原则,不兴建独立的系统,,利用技术手段合理融合各专业系统数据,形成一个虚拟的大系统;不重复维护数据,对不同的数据按照类型合理划分边界,做到专业系统维护专业数据,通过宏观的统一建模,到达信息无缝融合;实现以生产为核心的营销、配电信息和业务的一体化。 (3)基于营配信息融合实现了一体化的配电自动化系统。针对各业务之间系统独立运行的问题,从配电自动化系统的运行维护能力建设、运行管理方法等方面,结合配网综合量化模型、评价标准和信息融合目标的建立,提出了在信息系统整合的架构和信息交互总线设计、信息融合贯通的基础之上,建立配电生产抢修指挥自动化平台系统,实现配电生产和抢修的综合应用。 (4)通过配网生产抢修指挥平台实际工程的应用,验证了以国网GIS地理信息系统为“纽带”,采用IEB为信息交互总线完成营销、配电等数据的统一表达和信息共享的有效性,实现各个应用系统之间紧密的纵向和横向信息集成,为客服人员、抢修人员和报修人员之间提供一个良好的沟通平台,达到了城区配网生产和抢修指挥一体化,提高供电高可靠性的实际要求。
[Abstract]:Distribution automation system uses modern communication technology, computer and network technology to integrate real-time information of distribution network, grid structure parameters, geographic information and so on. It forms a complete automation management system to realize the monitoring, protection, control and distribution management of normal operation and accident of distribution system. As the most important and complex part of the power grid, the district distribution network is the most important and complex part. It is very important for the users to improve the stability and reliability of the power supply system.
According to statistics, 80%~95% of the blackouts of ordinary residents are caused by distribution network faults. Therefore, in order to solve the blackouts of residents caused by distribution network faults and further improve the reliability of distribution network power supply, various methods such as strengthening the construction of distribution network, researching the automation of distribution network, realizing the rapid location of power grid faults, etc. are combined with marketing department. The horizontal integration between the national grid GIS system and the rush-repair production system can realize the quick and accurate acquisition of the geographical position information of the users, the detailed location of the distribution network faults, the rush-repair dispatch sheet information of the power enterprises, greatly improve the rush-repair timeliness, customer service satisfaction and standardize the management level of the power distribution network. The specific research work is as follows:
(1) Aiming at the problem that there is no reasonable and unified evaluation model for distribution networks with different reliability levels, a comprehensive quantitative model and evaluation criteria for distribution networks are proposed. The numerical normalization scale system converts the actual value of a certain index into the evaluation of the corresponding work level, and establishes an effective index evaluation system, which is comparatively systematic and complete.
(2) Aiming at the problem that the multi-information systems of the power grid can't operate independently and can't carry out the comprehensive analysis and application of a certain business of the distribution network well, the information fusion goal with production as the core is put forward. System data form a virtual large system; do not repeat the maintenance of data, according to different types of data reasonably demarcated boundaries, professional system maintenance professional data, through the macro-unified modeling, to achieve seamless integration of information; to achieve production-oriented marketing, distribution information and business integration.
(3) Distribution automation system is integrated based on distribution information fusion. Aiming at the problem of independent operation of the systems among different services, the evaluation criteria and the establishment of information fusion objectives are put forward from the aspects of operation and maintenance capacity building, operation and management methods of distribution automation system, combined with the comprehensive quantitative model of distribution network, and the establishment of evaluation criteria and information fusion objectives. On the basis of integrated architecture and information interactive bus design and information fusion, an automatic command and repair platform system for distribution production is established to realize the comprehensive application of distribution production and repair.
(4) Through the application of the production and emergency repair command platform of distribution network, the validity of the unified expression of marketing, distribution and other data and the sharing of information with the GIS geographic information system as the "tie" and the IEB as the information exchange bus are verified, and the close vertical and horizontal information integration among the various application systems is realized to serve the customers. It provides a good communication platform between emergency repair personnel and repair personnel, and meets the actual requirements of integration of production and emergency repair command of urban distribution network and improving high reliability of power supply.


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1 徐腊元;庞腊成;陈彩凤;;我国配电网自动化设备现状及发展[J];电力设备;2001年03期




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