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发布时间:2018-08-29 08:01
[Abstract]:Traditional voltage transformers have high insulation cost, narrow measuring frequency band and small dynamic range, so it is difficult to adapt to the development of power system digitization. In this paper, two kinds of unconventional electronic voltage sensors are studied. Among them, electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensors are based on optical fiber technology, microelectronic technology, simple and reliable insulation, frequency bandwidth measurement, and wide dynamic range. The electronic voltage sensor based on parallel plate capacitance is simple in structure, reliable in insulation, low in cost, and its measuring precision is within the allowable range. Can be used for voltage monitoring. In this paper, the basic principle of electrostatic diaphragm voltage transformer based on electrostatic-driven microstructure is described. Under the action of electric field produced by high voltage of polar plate, the film with static charge will produce displacement under the action of electric field produced by high voltage of polar plate. The measured voltage can be obtained by measuring the displacement of the film. In this paper, the force motion of the film in the physical model of electrostatic vibration film is analyzed, the forced vibration equation of the film is derived, and the displacement expression of the film vibration is obtained. The results show the linear relationship between the vibration displacement of the film and the measured voltage. Through modeling and simulation, the measurement accuracy of the diaphragm sensor is tested. Theoretically, the accuracy requirement of 0.1 level measurement can be achieved. Combined with the design standard of electronic voltage transformer given by the International Electrotechnical Commission, the general design scheme block diagram of electrostatic diaphragm type voltage transformer is put forward, and the concrete realization methods of each part are introduced respectively. Then, a parallel electrode plate capacitor divider is proposed as the primary sensor of electronic voltage transformer, and its steady and transient characteristics are analyzed. The voltage divider can meet the requirements of transient characteristics. Based on the design standard of electronic voltage transformer presented by the International Electrotechnical Commission, the design scheme of the voltage sensor for parallel plate capacitor is given, and the specific implementation methods of each part are introduced. Finally, combined with the calibration standard of electronic voltage transformer and the accuracy stipulation of national standard for electronic voltage transformer, according to the definition of error of electronic transformer, The principle prototypes of electrostatic diaphragm voltage sensor and electronic voltage sensor are tested. The experimental results show that the principle prototype of electrostatic diaphragm voltage sensor and the principle prototype of parallel plate capacitive split voltage electronic voltage sensor can meet the accuracy requirement of measuring 3.0 level.


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