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发布时间:2018-09-01 15:07
【摘要】:在新能源中,太阳能是其中佼佼者,在大功率集中式光伏发电中,由于太阳能电池板工作状态互相影响,使太阳能转换电能效率一直不高。于是提出基于单块太阳能电池板的微逆变器概念。微逆变器可以很好解决集中式光伏发电中太阳能电池互相影响的问题,即可以使每块太阳能电池工作在最大功率点处,同时工作环境更加灵活,,适用于城市、社区等。 太阳能电池寿命一般在25年左右,微逆变器的寿命也需要与太阳能电池的寿命匹配。在整个微逆变器元器件中,电解电容是影响整个系统寿命的最主要因素,而电容又是微逆变器实现功率解耦的必需储能元件。 本文基于串联缓冲式谐振微逆变器拓扑,在本拓扑中采用三端口功率解耦的方式,即能量缓冲器与逆变器的输入和输出端独立,这样对微逆变器的输入和输出影响比较小;同时功率解耦电容两端电压比较高,进行功率解耦需要的容值减小,使用薄膜电容,提高微逆变器工作的可靠性和寿命。研究了整个拓扑的控制策略。根据基本原理电路,得出能量缓冲(Buffer)电路和交交变换(Cycloconverter)电路的控制策略,即相对于谐振电流移相控制;同时得出能量缓冲器和交交变换器在一个电网周期的等效阻抗。根据后级电路的等效阻抗求算出全桥在一个电网周期的移相角变化规律,从而得到全桥的控制策略。在串联能量缓冲微逆变器拓扑的整个控制策略中,所有开关管的占空比为50%,同时开关频率为定值,消除变频控制带来的滤波等问题。根据拓扑中前后级阻抗匹配和串联谐振频率计算出串联LC参数和变压器匝比。 微逆变器的最大功率点追踪采用改进扰动观察法(PQ),利用太阳能电池输出功率的差作为误差信号,经过比例积分(PI)控制器产生合适的扰动步长,保证能够迅速的追踪到最大功率点同时在最大功率点处不会产生振荡;针对本拓扑,采用自适应的增强型锁相环(Adaptive-EPLL),使输入和输出的相位差为零,同时在开启时刻和电网相位发生跃变时刻,通过调节参数,保证了频率不会发生跃变,提高了锁相环追踪频率的可靠性。 本文通过仿真和实验验证了整个拓扑控制策略的正确性,实现在100W下的运行。
[Abstract]:Among the new energy sources, solar energy is the best among them. In high-power centralized photovoltaic power generation, the solar energy conversion efficiency is not high because of the mutual influence of the working state of solar panels. So the concept of micro inverter based on single solar panel is proposed. Microinverters can solve the problem of the interaction of solar cells in centralized photovoltaic power generation, that is, each solar cell can work at the maximum power point, at the same time, the working environment is more flexible and suitable for cities, communities and so on. The life of solar cell is usually about 25 years, and the life of micro inverter needs to match the life of solar cell. The electrolytic capacitance is the most important factor affecting the whole system life in the whole micro inverter, and the capacitor is the necessary energy storage element to realize the power decoupling of the micro inverter. Based on the series buffer resonant micro-inverter topology, the three-port power decoupling method is adopted in this topology, that is, the energy buffer is independent of the input and output of the inverter, which has little effect on the input and output of the micro-inverter. At the same time, the voltage at both ends of the power decoupling capacitor is high, the capacity required for power decoupling is reduced, and the thin film capacitance is used to improve the reliability and life of the micro-inverter. The control strategy of the whole topology is studied. According to the basic principle of the circuit, the control strategy of the energy buffer (Buffer) circuit and the AC-AC conversion (Cycloconverter) circuit is obtained, that is, the phase shift control relative to the resonant current, and the equivalent impedance of the energy buffer and the AC-AC converter in a power network cycle. According to the equivalent impedance of the back stage circuit, the phase shift angle of the whole bridge in a power network cycle is calculated, and the control strategy of the whole bridge is obtained. In the whole control strategy of series energy buffer micro inverter topology, the duty cycle of all switches is 50 and the switching frequency is fixed at the same time, which eliminates the filtering problems caused by frequency conversion control. The series LC parameters and transformer turn ratio are calculated according to the matching of the front and rear stage impedance and the series resonant frequency in the topology. The maximum power point tracking of the micro-inverter is based on the improved perturbation observation method (PQ), which uses the difference of the output power of the solar cell as the error signal, and generates a suitable disturbance step through the proportional integral (PI) controller. To ensure that the maximum power point can be traced quickly without oscillating at the maximum power point; for this topology, an adaptive enhanced phase-locked loop (Adaptive-EPLL) is used to make the phase difference between input and output zero. At the same time, by adjusting the parameters at the opening time and the phase jump time of the power network, the frequency will not jump and the reliability of the phase-locked loop tracking frequency can be improved. In this paper, the correctness of the whole topology control strategy is verified by simulation and experiment.


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