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发布时间:2018-09-04 07:52
【摘要】:随着国民经济的飞速发展,国家提出了新世纪“节能减排”的重大决策。中小功率异步电机作为电机行业中应用最为广泛的电机类型,在各行各业都为我国经济的繁荣昌盛提供了巨大帮助。异步电动机作为我国能源经济中的能耗大户,对其损耗的要求标准也越来越高。随着变频电源使用愈加广泛,对电机铁耗的深入探讨,尤其是电机设计阶段的铁耗预测计算工作显得很有必要。 本文首先从铁磁材料自身特性出发,介绍了铁磁材料的磁滞损耗、涡流损耗以及异常损耗产生的基本原理;由于铁磁材料在电机运行下产生的铁耗与铁磁材料自身的铁耗大不相同,论文中还论述了影响电机铁耗的其他因素。其次,针对国内工程上电机铁耗计算方法的粗略,在正弦电压供电条件下,,本文基于经典的电机磁路分析方法建立了异步电机铁耗三项式分立计算模型;在SPWM电源供电条件下,采用谐波分析法对正弦供电下的铁耗模型进行了改进,以适应变频电机铁耗的研究计算。然后,本文使用时步有限元法对这两种供电条件下的电机空载运行进行了仿真求解,得到了有限元法铁耗计算值。最后,本文将工程上常用的正弦电源下铁耗简易计算方法、变频电源下波形系数法计算结果,与论文中所建铁耗模型计算结果进行比较,并分别计算其与有限元法铁耗计算结果的偏差值比较,证明了铁耗计算模型可靠且具有一定的工程实用价值。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of national economy, the state has put forward the important decision of energy saving and emission reduction in the new century. As the most widely used motor type in the motor industry, the medium and small power asynchronous motor provides a great help for the prosperity of our economy in all kinds of industries. Asynchronous motor as a large energy consumption in China's energy economy, the standard of its loss is becoming higher and higher. With the increasing use of frequency conversion power supply, it is necessary to discuss the iron loss of motor, especially the prediction and calculation of iron loss in the design stage of motor. In this paper, the basic principles of hysteresis loss, eddy current loss and abnormal loss of ferromagnetic materials are introduced. Because the iron consumption produced by ferromagnetic material under the operation of motor is very different from that of ferromagnetic material itself, other factors affecting the iron consumption of motor are also discussed in this paper. Secondly, aiming at the rough calculation method of iron loss in domestic engineering, under the condition of sinusoidal voltage supply, this paper establishes the trinomial discrete calculation model of iron loss of asynchronous motor based on the classical magnetic circuit analysis method, and under the condition of SPWM power supply, The iron loss model under sinusoidal power supply is improved by harmonic analysis method to adapt to the study and calculation of iron loss of frequency conversion motor. Then, the time-step finite element method is used to simulate the no-load operation of the motor under these two kinds of power supply conditions, and the calculation value of iron loss of the finite element method is obtained. Finally, the simple calculation method of iron consumption under sinusoidal power supply and the calculation result of waveform coefficient method under frequency conversion power supply are compared with the calculated results of iron consumption model established in this paper. Compared with the calculated results of finite element method, it is proved that the calculation model of iron consumption is reliable and has certain practical value in engineering.


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