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发布时间:2018-09-04 13:02
[Abstract]:After the Fukushima nuclear accident, nuclear power safety and development issues have aroused concern. The development of nuclear power in China has been greatly affected: the policy of "positive development" has been replaced by "safety first". From the point of view of electrical design, it is of positive practical significance to study and take active preventive and mitigation measures to improve the overall safety level of nuclear power plants and to promote the safe and efficient development of nuclear power industry in China. This paper deals with the design requirements of the power supply system and the principle of the configuration of the power supply for the domestic nuclear power station M310, WWER1000, AP1000, which is under construction or has been built. This paper compares the classification methods of each type of plant load and summarizes the principle of plant load classification. According to the requirement of power supply, this paper divides the power supply system into normal power supply system and emergency power supply system. This paper analyzes and studies the power source lead mode, system wiring, segmental principle, voltage grade selection and power switching mode of each stacked normal auxiliary power system, and probes into the composition and configuration of emergency auxiliary power system. On the basis of summing up and summing up the design scheme of domestic and existing nuclear power plants, the development direction and suggestions are put forward in order to provide technical support for the design staff of nuclear power plants. Because the design of M310 / WWER1000 / AP1000 nuclear power station mainly refers to foreign standards, it is influenced by many countries' technology, and the technical route of domestic nuclear power standard is not uniform, and the design scheme of power supply system is different. It is necessary to compile the technical specification for the design of the auxiliary power of nuclear power plant suitable for the national conditions of our country. Only by establishing the standard system of nuclear power which is suitable for the industrial foundation of our country can we realize the real sense of nuclear power autonomy. It is hoped that the analysis and study of the design scheme of power plant in this paper can provide a reference for the establishment of the nuclear power standard system in China.


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