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发布时间:2018-09-05 11:42
【摘要】:在当今社会,,各国家均致力于寻求高效率、无污染的能源二次利用及能量回收利用的方法,以期解决能源问题,同时缓解环境问题。热电发电技术直接将热能转化为电能,以其诸多优点让人们看到了其在余废热回收利用领域的巨大潜力。为了此项技术能够更好的应用到工业及民用方面,本文对于热电发电技术从理论及实验两方面做了研究。 本论文针对于热电发电技术的应用从理论上做了研究分析:本文以热电基本效应为根据,首先从热电发电过程中的理论情况开始,将实际工作过程中含有接触电阻、热阻及陶瓷片等不可避免的因素考虑到模型分析中,建立实际的温差发电器的热电耦合模型,在此模型基础上对于实际过程的性能参数与其它参数关系进行推导,得到其关联式。接着针对实际模型得到的性能参数关联式,单独改变其中不同的参数,对热电发电性能参数进行数值理论计算分析。得到内阻、负载电阻、热冷端导热系数、热电材料导热系数、冷热端温度及塞贝克系数对性能参数输出功率及热电转换效率的影响情况。 本论文针对于热电发电技术的应用从实验方面做了测试:搭建了一个热电模块温差发电性能的实验测试平台,研究分析热电模块冷热端温差、电路负载电阻对工作性能的影响。对单个温差发电模块的开路电压、其随冷热端温度的变化情况及三种不同工况下输出功率随负载电阻变化的情况进行了测试。得到实际情况下单个模块的发电情况。 本论文通过对热电发电的研究,在理论上得到了在接近实际情况下热电发电性能参数的关联式以及关联式中各参数对热电发电性能影响的大小,对于实际情况下热电发电性能的优化指出方向,对于热电模块研究及其应用也具有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:In today's society, all countries are committed to seeking efficient, non-polluting methods of secondary energy utilization and energy recovery, in order to solve the energy problem and alleviate the environmental problems at the same time. Thermoelectric power generation technology directly converts heat energy into electric energy. With its many advantages, people see its great potential in the field of waste heat recovery and utilization. In order to better apply this technology to industry and civil, this paper studies the thermoelectric power generation technology from two aspects: theory and experiment. In this paper, the application of thermoelectric power generation technology is studied and analyzed theoretically. Based on the basic effect of thermoelectricity, first of all, the contact resistance is included in the actual working process, starting with the theoretical situation in the process of thermoelectric power generation. The thermoelectric coupling model of the actual thermoelectric generator is established based on the thermal resistance and ceramic chip, and the relationship between the performance parameters of the actual process and other parameters is deduced based on the model analysis, and the thermoelectric coupling model of the actual thermoelectric generator is established, based on which the relationship between the performance parameters and other parameters of the actual process is derived. The correlation formula is obtained. Then, according to the correlation formula of performance parameters obtained from the actual model, the different parameters are changed separately, and the performance parameters of thermoelectric power generation are calculated and analyzed numerically. The influence of internal resistance, load resistance, thermal conductivity of hot and cold end, thermal conductivity of thermoelectric material, temperature of cold and hot end and Seebeck coefficient on output power and efficiency of thermoelectric conversion were obtained. In this paper, the application of thermoelectric power generation technology has been tested from the experimental aspects: a thermoelectricity module thermoelectricity performance test platform is built, the research and analysis of the thermoelectricity module cold and hot end temperature difference, circuit load resistance on the performance of the influence. The open circuit voltage of a single thermoelectric module, its variation with the temperature at the cold and hot ends and the output power with the load resistance under three different working conditions are tested. Get the actual situation of a single module of power generation. Through the research of thermoelectric power generation, the correlation formula of thermoelectric power generation performance parameters and the influence of each parameter in the correlation formula on the thermoelectric power generation performance are obtained theoretically in this paper, which is close to the actual situation, and the magnitude of the influence of each parameter in the correlation formula on the thermoelectric power generation performance is obtained. It also has some guiding significance for the research and application of thermoelectric module.


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