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发布时间:2018-09-06 16:54
【摘要】:为了实现城市生活垃圾(MSW)清洁焚烧,最大限度地消除垃圾焚烧二次污染的威胁,在真正实现垃圾处理的“无害化、减量化、资源化”的宗旨下,基于富氧燃煤发电技术,提出一种新型的垃圾焚烧技术-富氧焚烧垃圾技术,并以日处理生活垃圾350吨的回转窑应用富氧焚烧垃圾灰渣熔融技术为例进行了深入研究。 富氧熔融焚烧垃圾技术是利用空分制氧装置制取的高纯度的氧气代替空气与MSW一起送入回转窑进行高温熔融焚烧,焚烧产生的高温烟气在余热锅炉加以回收后送入后续的烟气压缩液化装置进行净化并捕集烟气中CO2,无烟气再循环系统并取消了烟囱的建立,实现了焚烧产物的全部捕集与近零排放。文中对整个回转窑的熔融系统进行了热力学分析表明,MSW在回转窑内不添加辅助燃料的条件下就可以保持高温稳定的燃烧,同时在窑尾可达到足够高的温度将灰渣熔融,并确定了回转窑的尺寸及运行参数。并基于Aspen Plus软件进行了整个熔融焚烧系统的热力学平衡分析,模拟结果显示用纯氧代替空气与垃圾在回转窑内组织燃烧,回转窑的燃烧温度可达1800℃,足以将任何形式的垃圾残渣熔融,也进一步验证了热平衡计算的结果。 借鉴CO2捕集的富氧燃煤烟气联合脱硫脱硝技术,提出一种新型的垃圾焚烧烟气净化工艺,并利用Aspen Plus软件对整个烟气净化工艺进行了建模与计算,结果显示在全部烟气压缩液化过焚烧程中,焚烧垃圾生成的HCl和SO2几乎可以全部脱除,NO的脱除效率也达90%以上,而且在烟气的净化过程中还可以回收一部分酸液。该350t/d的回转窑富氧熔融垃圾系统的排烟在经联合脱酸装置处理后,每小时可产生质量浓度为40%的硫酸306kg和质量浓度为15%的硝酸51kg。 最后对富氧熔融焚烧垃圾发电的经济性进行了分析,计算结果表明:电站汽轮机输出功率为7.67MW,各辅机设备中,空分制氧与烟气压缩净化设备是是耗能大户,两者的电耗占到发电量的50%以上。整个电站的发电效率为29.13%,综合考虑各辅机功耗后,,净电效率为11.54%,净输出电力为3.04MW,无需从外网购电。如果将空分制氧的热量加以整合利用,可以排挤一部分汽轮机抽汽,净电效率增加了0.55个百分点。
[Abstract]:In order to realize clean incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) and eliminate the threat of secondary pollution of MSW incineration to the maximum extent, under the aim of realizing "harmless, reduced and resource utilization" of municipal solid waste disposal, based on oxygen-enriched coal-fired power generation technology, A new type of MSW incineration technology, oxygen-enriched incineration technology, is proposed, and the application of oxygen-enriched incineration ash melting technology in a rotary kiln with 350 tons of domestic waste per day is studied. Oxygen-enriched melting incineration technology is to use the high-purity oxygen produced by the air separation equipment instead of air and MSW into the rotary kiln for high temperature melting incineration. The high temperature flue gas produced by incineration is recovered from the waste heat boiler and sent into the subsequent flue gas compression liquefaction device to purify and capture the CO2, no flue gas recirculation system in the flue gas and cancel the establishment of the chimney. All the incineration products were collected and nearly zero emission was realized. The thermodynamic analysis of the melting system of the whole rotary kiln shows that MSW can keep the combustion at high temperature and steady without adding auxiliary fuel in the rotary kiln, at the same time, the ash can be melted at a sufficiently high temperature at the end of the kiln. The size and operation parameters of rotary kiln are determined. The thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of the whole melting incineration system is carried out based on Aspen Plus software. The simulation results show that pure oxygen is used instead of air and garbage to burn in the rotary kiln. The combustion temperature of the rotary kiln can reach 1800 鈩




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