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发布时间:2018-09-07 07:23
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the world is facing severe challenges from energy and environment. It is urgent to explore new energy generation technology. Distributed power generation (DG) has attracted more and more attention from global power experts because of its many advantages. The network structure, power loss and voltage distribution of the distribution network are greatly influenced by the access of the distributed power generation to the distribution network. In order to study the distribution network with distributed generation, it is necessary to base on power flow calculation. Therefore, in this paper, the three-phase power flow problem of distribution network with distributed generation is studied deeply. This paper studies and summarizes the influence of distributed power generation on distribution network, analyzes and compares the calculation methods of power flow and three-phase power flow, and formulates the core idea of calculating three-phase power flow by Newton method. Based on Newton's three-phase power flow, a three-phase sequence model of electrical components in distribution network is established. The distributed generation is divided into four node types and the processing method of each node type distributed power supply in three-phase power flow calculation is given. The principle and steps of calculating three-phase power flow by Newton method are analyzed in detail, and the initial value sensitivity problem which seriously affects convergence is analyzed in detail. A convergence theorem for Newtonian power flow calculation is presented and proved in detail. This theorem provides a reliable basis for whether the initial value selected in power flow calculation is reasonable and effective, and solves the problem that the power flow convergence is too slow or unable to converge due to improper selection of initial value in power flow calculation by Newton method. The correctness of the theorem is verified by the simulation of the IEEE standard node test system and the analysis of the Tongliao power network. In view of the complex structure of multi-nodes in distribution network with distributed generation and the inherent difficulty in selecting the initial value, a three-phase power flow calculation method for N-GA is proposed by combining Newton method with genetic algorithm. In this method, the global optimization ability of genetic algorithm is used to select the initial value in power flow calculation of Newton method, and the blind problem of initial value selection is solved. At the same time, the iterative degree estimation theorem for Newtonian power flow calculation is proposed, and the algorithm for estimating the maximum iterative degree of Newton power flow calculation is given, which improves the rationality of the selected initial value to the power flow calculation to a greater extent. The IEEE33 node test system is selected to simulate and analyze the N-GA algorithm, which proves the effectiveness, rapidity and accuracy of the method when the system is balanced and unbalanced. Finally, the paper summarizes the main research conclusions and needs further research.


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