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发布时间:2018-09-07 14:58
【摘要】:目前研究室正承担一种基于开关振荡器的宽带装置的项目研究,前期研究表明,开关振荡器闭合开关的工作性能决定着宽带装置的辐射功率和能量效率。闭合开关是一种场强均匀设计的自击穿火花隙开关,工作在快速充电条件下,在纳秒量级充电时间内承受电压能上升至数百千伏。介质击穿是一个复杂的物理过程,已有的短脉冲介质击穿理论可以定性的解释一些实验现象,但无法对击穿过程进行定量的描述,由于实验条件和参数定义等原因短脉冲击穿实验数据的参考性不强。为了给闭合开关的优化设计提供比较实用的数据参考,同时为了促进纳秒脉冲介质击穿领域实验数据和理论研究的进一步完善,本文对变压器油、SF6和N2在高压纳秒脉冲作用下的击穿特性开展了实验研究,主要工作包括以下几方面:1、设计了用于开展纳秒脉冲电介质击穿实验的击穿实验装置。分析了闭合开关的主要特点,并采用储能电容器通过电感对电容负载进行快速充电的思路设计了一种开关电极为场强均匀结构的击穿实验组件和一种电容储能型的高压脉冲驱动源;通过电路仿真分析了中储电容器Cm、连线电感Lr和工作负载CL等部件参数对实验装置工作性能的影响;对实验装置进行了初步的测试实验,结果表明实验装置能够在开关实验腔输入端产生上升前沿10ns、峰值电压200k V左右的充电脉冲,与仿真结果较吻合,证明了实验装置能够用于开展高压纳秒脉冲电介质击穿特性实验研究。2、设计了用于测量高频实验信号的测量系统。为了准确探测开关实验腔在击穿过程中输入输出端的电压信号,设计了一种同轴结构的电容分压器和相应的测量回路,并分析了信号频率、补偿电阻对测量系统工作性能的影响,然后通过标定实验对测量系统的工作性能进行了检验,证明测量系统可以实现对高频实验信号的准确测量。3、利用设计的击穿实验装置和测量系统,对变压器油、SF6、N2在纳秒脉冲作用下的击穿特性开展了实验研究。首先对变压器油进行了纳秒脉冲击穿实验,并根据实验结果拟合出了变压器油电压上升时间为4~10 ns的经验公式,同时还分析了循环与未循环、不同液体静压力以及输入脉冲不同的上升前沿(10 ns、15 ns)等因素对变压器油击穿特性的影响;接下来对SF6(0 atm~18 atm)和N2(0 atm~40atm)进行了纳秒脉冲击穿实验,并对SF6和N2的实验数据进行了拟合,总结得到了对SF6和N2均适用的电压上升时间为4~14ns的纳秒脉冲击穿经验公式。
[Abstract]:At present, the lab is undertaking the research of a kind of wideband device based on switch oscillator. The previous research shows that the performance of switching oscillator closed switch determines the radiation power and energy efficiency of broadband device. The closed switch is a self-breakdown spark gap switch with uniform field strength. Under the condition of fast charging, the voltage can rise to several hundred kilowatts within the nanosecond charging time. Dielectric breakdown is a complex physical process. The existing short-pulse dielectric breakdown theory can explain some experimental phenomena qualitatively, but it can not describe the breakdown process quantitatively. Because of the experimental condition and parameter definition, the data of short pulse breakdown are not good for reference. In order to provide a practical data reference for the optimal design of closed switches, and to promote the further improvement of experimental data and theoretical research in the field of nanosecond pulse dielectric breakdown, In this paper, the breakdown characteristics of transformer oil SF6 and N2 under the action of high voltage nanosecond pulse are studied experimentally. The main work includes the following aspects: 1. A breakdown test device for nanosecond pulse dielectric breakdown experiment is designed. The main characteristics of the closed switch are analyzed. A breakdown experiment module with uniform field strength structure and a high-voltage pulse drive source with capacitive energy storage type are designed by using the idea of fast charging capacitor load by inductance of energy storage capacitor. The effect of the parameters of Cm, connection inductor Lr and workload CL on the performance of the experimental device is analyzed by circuit simulation. The results show that the device can generate a charging pulse with a rising front of 10ns and a peak voltage of about 200kV at the input end of the experimental cavity, which is in good agreement with the simulation results. It is proved that the experimental device can be used to study the breakdown characteristics of high voltage nanosecond pulse dielectric. A measuring system is designed to measure the high frequency experimental signal. In order to accurately detect the voltage signals at the input and output end of the switch chamber during the breakdown process, a coaxial capacitor divider and the corresponding measuring circuit are designed, and the signal frequency is analyzed. The effect of compensating resistance on the working performance of the measuring system is tested, and the performance of the measurement system is tested by calibration experiments. It is proved that the measuring system can accurately measure the high frequency experimental signal. Using the designed breakdown experimental device and measuring system, the breakdown characteristics of transformer oil SF6N _ 2 under nanosecond pulse are studied experimentally. First of all, the nanosecond pulse breakdown experiment of transformer oil is carried out. According to the experimental results, the empirical formula of voltage rise time of transformer oil is fitted to be 4 ~ 10 ns, and the circulation and non-circulation are also analyzed. The influence of different liquid static pressure and different rising front (10 ns,15 ns) of input pulse on the breakdown characteristics of transformer oil is studied. Secondly, the nanosecond pulse breakdown experiments of SF6 (0 atm~18 atm) and N2 (0 atm~40atm) are carried out, and the experimental data of SF6 and N2 are fitted. The empirical formula of nanosecond pulse breakdown for both SF6 and N2 is obtained, where the voltage rise time is 4~14ns.


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