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发布时间:2018-09-08 12:49
【摘要】:储能技术被认为是现代电力系统中继“采-发-输-配-用”五大环节后的第六大环节“储”。锂离子电池成本低、效率高,具有循环寿命长、无污染,兼具高比能量与高比功率等独特的性能优势,被认为最具前景的电池体系,已在移动通信、电动汽车、航空航天、电气工程等领域广泛应用,革命性地改变了人们生产生活的方式。目前以磷酸铁锂电池为代表的锂离子电池已从电池本体的小容量应用发展到大规模的系统建设应用,,成为现代电力系统储能装置的理想选择之一。本文以磷酸铁锂电池为代表分析锂电池的结构特点、工作机理,建立其准确的仿真模型,设计锂电储能并网系统,研究其对电网稳定性的影响。 本文分析了磷酸铁锂电池结构特点、工作特性和运行机理,在充分研究电池建模理论的基础上实现了电化学机理和外特性等效电路两方面的建模工作。其中电化学建模方面,经适当假设、合理简化,提出了平均浓度建模方法,建立了具有机理性、不失准确性、兼具简易性和通用性的“锂离子电池电化学平均模型”。等效电路建模方面,依托公认效果最好的混合电路模型,进一步完善、创新,形成了由电压响应模型和容量预测模型联合组成的新型的综合等效电路模型。其中电压响应模型充分考虑了SoC、温度、电流倍率等影响,同时建立了锂电池通用的热力电路模型;容量预测模型充分结合电化学理论,实现了存储容量衰减、循环容量衰减和电流动态效应三方面联合建模,给出了对应的实验方法和参数辨识步骤。通过仿真验证,表明所建模型均实现了应有功能、达到了预期效果。 在电池模型基础上,继而对锂电储能并网系统进行了详细研究,包括并网拓扑的分析与建模、新型LCL三阶滤波器的设计与计算、控制策略的选择与应用等。实现了锂电储能用于平滑/平抑波动功率的PQ实时功率控制策略和维持稳定的V/f下垂控制策略,同时提出了基于能量约束的锂电储能系统控制流程。通过在Matlab/simulink中建立微网储能系统模型,仿真验证了锂电并网拓扑、滤波结构及相关控制策略的有效性和实用性,奠定了锂电储能应于电力系统的基础。 最后仿真研究了锂电储能对电网稳定性的影响。首先根据电池基本模型适当修正、调整,结合逆变器的工作原理、电压变换和功率分布等数学关系,建立了储能逆变系统的等效电路,进而依据控制理论形成了适于稳定研究的线性增量模型。然后分别建立了接入锂电储能的单机无穷大和两区域互联系统模型,验证仿真了锂电储能对功角稳定和频率稳定的影响效果,并定性讨论了容量的配置问题。
[Abstract]:Energy storage technology is considered to be the sixth major link of modern power system relay "mining, generating, transmitting, distributing and using" after "five major links". Li-ion battery has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, long cycle life, no pollution, high specific energy and high specific power, and is considered the most promising battery system. It has been used in mobile communication, electric vehicle, aerospace, etc. Electrical engineering and other fields are widely used, revolutionizing the way people produce and live. At present, lithium ion battery, represented by lithium iron phosphate battery, has developed from small capacity application of battery body to large-scale system construction application, and has become one of the ideal options for modern power system energy storage devices. In this paper, the structure characteristics and working mechanism of lithium phosphate battery are analyzed, its accurate simulation model is established, the system of lithium electric energy storage and grid connection is designed, and its influence on the stability of power grid is studied. In this paper, the structure, working characteristics and operation mechanism of lithium iron phosphate battery are analyzed. Based on the study of the modeling theory of the battery, the modeling work of electrochemical mechanism and equivalent circuit with external characteristics is realized. In electrochemical modeling, a modeling method of average concentration is put forward after proper assumption and reasonable simplification, and a "electrochemical average model of lithium ion battery" with mechanical rationality, no loss of accuracy and both simplicity and versatility is established. In the aspect of equivalent circuit modeling, a new type of integrated equivalent circuit model, which is composed of voltage response model and capacity prediction model, is formed by further improvement and innovation based on the best hybrid circuit model. The voltage response model fully takes into account the influence of SoC, temperature and current rate, and establishes the general thermal circuit model of lithium battery, and the capacity prediction model combines the electrochemical theory to realize the storage capacity attenuation. Combined modeling of cyclic capacity attenuation and current dynamic effect, the corresponding experimental method and parameter identification steps are given. The simulation results show that all the models have achieved the expected function. On the basis of the battery model, the lithium-electric energy storage grid-connected system is studied in detail, including the analysis and modeling of grid-connected topology, the design and calculation of a new LCL third-order filter, the selection and application of control strategy, etc. The PQ real-time power control strategy and the V / F droop control strategy for smooth / steady fluctuating power are realized. At the same time, the control flow of lithium energy storage system based on energy constraints is proposed. By establishing the model of microgrid energy storage system in Matlab/simulink, the effectiveness and practicability of lithium-ion grid-connected topology, filter structure and related control strategies are verified by simulation, which lays the foundation for lithium energy storage to be applied to power system. Finally, the influence of lithium energy storage on power grid stability is simulated. The equivalent circuit of the energy storage inverter system is established according to the mathematical relations of the basic model of the battery, such as the principle of the inverter, the voltage conversion and the power distribution, according to the appropriate modification and adjustment of the basic model of the battery. Based on the control theory, a linear incremental model suitable for stability research is established. Then, the infinite and two-area interconnected system models of single machine connected to lithium energy storage are established, and the effects of lithium energy storage on power angle stability and frequency stability are verified and simulated, and the problem of capacity configuration is discussed qualitatively.


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