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发布时间:2018-09-08 17:35
【摘要】:在我国对光伏发电产业的大力投入和强力支持下,光伏电站并网运行已经在国内得到广泛发展和商业化运作,并仍然是未来发展趋势。然而,光伏电站接入公共电网,会给电网的电能质量、潮流分布、短路特性等带来不可忽视的影响,加紧开展相关光伏电站并网发电技术的研究是十分重要的。 本文针对光伏组件等效电路5参数模型提出了光伏组件5参数模型参数等值修正求取算法,仅利用光伏电池生产厂家提供的实测数据,经过少量迭代和修正计算,得到模型的5个参数。利用该算法求解MSX60光伏组件的模型参数,并将求解结果代入5参数模型进行仿真,将仿真数据与实测数据进行比较,误差较小,验证了算法的准确性和有效性。 引入朗伯函数,将隐性超越方程形式的光伏组件I-U特性方程显性化,并在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境下建立了光伏阵列仿真模型。利用青海某光伏电站的某个阵列的实际运行数据进行验证,分析了仿真模型仿真结果与实际运行数据产生误差的原因,最后得到该仿真模型是准确可行的。 分析了光伏电站并网系统各个部分电压电流量间的关系,在各部分连接点处应用基尔霍夫电压、电流定律进行连接,建立了整个光伏电站并网系统的暂态模型表示式,并在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境下搭建了光伏电站并网仿真模型。在变化的光照强度、组件温度下进行仿真,验证了光伏电站并网系统仿真模型的正确性和可行性。 研究了将光伏电站内部参数计入网络参数的光伏电站并网系统潮流计算策略,基于常规电流注入模型牛顿-拉夫逊(N-R)求解算法进行了改进,提出了基于电流/功率混合注入模型的N-R潮流算法。采用IEEE的几种经典算例对混合注入模型潮流算法进行测试,验证了电流/功率混合注入模型N-R潮流算法的优越性、准确性和有效性。将青海某光伏电站中部分阵列接入IEEE30节点系统作为测试算例,对计及光伏电站内部参数的并网潮流计算策略进行测试,验证了所提策略的可行性。 最后,将一定出力的光伏电站接入IEEE5节点系统1#节点,分别在光伏电站内部交流系统和并网点设置不同形式的短路故障,探讨了光伏电站并网系统的短路运行特性。
[Abstract]:With the great investment and strong support of photovoltaic power generation industry in China, grid-connected operation of photovoltaic power station has been widely developed and commercialized in China, and is still the future development trend. However, the power quality, power flow distribution and short-circuit characteristics of the power grid can not be ignored if photovoltaic power station is connected to the public grid, so it is very important to speed up the research on the grid-connected power generation technology of the photovoltaic power station. In this paper, an algorithm for calculating the equivalent parameters of photovoltaic module is proposed, which is based on the equivalent circuit 5 parameter model of photovoltaic module. Only the measured data provided by the photovoltaic cell manufacturer are used, and a small amount of iteration and correction calculation are carried out. Five parameters of the model are obtained. The algorithm is used to solve the model parameters of the MSX60 photovoltaic module, and the result is replaced by the 5-parameter model to simulate. The error is small compared with the measured data, and the accuracy and validity of the algorithm are verified. By introducing Lambert function, the I-U characteristic equation of photovoltaic module in the form of hidden transcendental equation is explicit, and the photovoltaic array simulation model is established under Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. The actual operation data of an array of photovoltaic power plants in Qinghai Province are used to verify the simulation results. The reasons for the errors between the simulation results and the actual operation data are analyzed. Finally, the simulation model is obtained to be accurate and feasible. The relationship between voltage and current of each part of grid-connected system of photovoltaic power station is analyzed. Kirchhoff's law of voltage and current is applied to connect each part of the connection point, and the transient model of grid-connected system of the whole photovoltaic power station is established. The grid-connected simulation model of photovoltaic power station is built in Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. The simulation results show that the simulation model of grid-connected photovoltaic power station is correct and feasible. The power flow calculation strategy of grid-connected photovoltaic power plant with the internal parameters of photovoltaic power station into network parameters is studied and improved based on the conventional current injection model Newton-Raphson (N-R) algorithm. An N-R power flow algorithm based on current / power mixing injection model is proposed. Several classical examples of IEEE are used to test the hybrid injection model power flow algorithm, which verifies the superiority, accuracy and effectiveness of the current / power hybrid injection model N-R power flow algorithm. A IEEE30 node system with partial arrays in a photovoltaic power plant in Qinghai province is used as a test example to test the grid-connected power flow calculation strategy taking into account the internal parameters of the photovoltaic power station. The feasibility of the proposed strategy is verified. Finally, the PV power station is connected to the IEEE5 node system 1# node, and different types of short circuit faults are set in the internal AC system and the parallel node of the photovoltaic power station, and the short-circuit operation characteristics of the grid-connected system of the photovoltaic power station are discussed.


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