[Abstract]:Wind power, as the most mature and commercialized renewable energy technology, has developed rapidly all over the world. On the one hand, the large-scale development and utilization of wind power has effectively alleviated the predicament of sustainable energy development and brought huge economic benefits, but on the other hand, wind power has brought about great economic benefits. The randomness, uncontrollability and unpredictability of output power bring great difficulties to power system dispatching and operation. The traditional dispatching method based on the combination of manual day-ahead dispatching plan and automatic generation control is too extensive to meet the grid dispatching requirements after large-scale wind power integration. The multi-time scale optimal dispatch problem of wind power system is studied to provide theoretical support for the rational and effective utilization of large-scale wind power and grid-connected dispatch.
Firstly, the uncertainty description method and prediction model of wind power under different time scales are studied. Scene processing technique is used in the day-ahead stage, and a non-parametric discrete Markov Chain prediction technique is used in the ultra-short-term prediction stage, which can directly estimate the probability distribution of wind power in a short time without depending on numerical value. The complex physical information around the weather forecast system and the fan can meet the needs of real-time scheduling. Then the coordination and optimization mechanisms of day-ahead scheduling, rolling scheduling and real-time scheduling with multiple time scales are described respectively, and the "robustness" principle of day-ahead scheduling is proposed.
Based on the idea of robustness, the robust standby dispatching model and the robust economic dispatching model for wind power in multi-scenarios are proposed respectively. The coordinated optimization model of unit output and reserve is established. Finally, two robust scheduling modes are unified and a global robust scheduling model is established by using the two-stage decision-making method. Unit output can adapt to all wind power fluctuation scenarios and ensure the safety of the system in different scenarios; the robust economic dispatching model minimizes the generation cost in the worst case and ensures that the actual generation cost is not greater than this cost; through the coordinated optimization of unit output and reserve The system spare capacity can be reasonably distributed spatially and temporally, and the invalid spare capacity and redundant spare capacity can be effectively avoided, and the optimal allocation of spare capacity can be realized.
Aiming at the problem that the randomness of wind power makes the precision of day-ahead generation plan decrease sharply, a rolling correction strategy for day-ahead generation plan of wind power system is proposed. The dual correction functions of water, thermal power cost and wind abandonment are adopted, and an improved non-inferior neighborhood immune algorithm (NNIA, Nondominated Neighbor Immune Algorithms) is proposed. The results show that the proposed rolling scheduling model can further optimize the operation cost of the system and enhance the ability of the system to absorb wind power during the day; the improved NNIA algorithm defines the antibody preference relation model of the search space based on the equal increment method and the maximum and minimum technical output of the unit, and the adjustment bias constraint. T-type has obvious guiding effect on the evolution direction of the antibody, which makes the algorithm converge to the final solution faster and has stronger local search ability.
This paper presents a real-time scheduling method for dynamic correction of wind power time series. The method incorporates the dynamic correction process of wind power time series into the real-time scheduling model, calculates the expected error state vector of wind power with 5-15 minutes rolling cycle, and establishes the revised objective function for the next period simultaneously. In order to solve convex quadratic programming and its Lagrange dual problem, the load distribution factors of each real-time unit are defined to the initial interior point of the given algorithm. The results show that the real-time dispatching model enhances the ability of real-time units to track the random fluctuation of wind power, and actively absorbs the wind to reduce the impact of wind power fluctuation on the power grid. It is necessary to optimize the operation cost of power system and more precisely, and the algorithm based on the primal dual interior point method has the advantages of fast convergence and strong robustness, which can satisfy the calculation requirements of real-time dispatching.
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