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发布时间:2018-09-09 19:31
【摘要】:随着电网规模的不断发展,当前电网已经成为一个复杂互联系统包含多个控制区域。电网供应的电能其质量评定的一个重要指标是频率。合格的频率是电网运行所必须的,其能确保电网的稳定与安全。进行频率控制的主要手段是采用自动发电控制。因此,自动发电控制所能达到的效果对电网供应的电能质量至关重要。由于运行时间的不同,如每天的用电高峰和低谷时,电力系统运行点会随之改变。这就对电力系统控制性能提出了更高的要求。当某一区域的控制器在某一时段无法零化其控制误差时,系统频率和联络线功率交换将无法稳定运行。因此,在AGC控制器中引入智能算法是解决复杂互联系统多区域协调控制的一种可行的方法。这是因为智能算法相比以固定增益控制器来控制的传统控制算法拥有更好的适应性。然而,,国内外并没有统一标准的AGC智能仿真平台以实现互联电网多控制区域的协作控制和有效评估智能算法的控制效果。 为此,本文提出了基于JADE平台开发新型多智能体动态博弈的自动发电控制技术,并实时模拟由于新能源接入而带来的电网强随机环境下的自动发电控制,主要内容包括以下方面: (1)本文简要介绍了多智能体系统,以及多智能体系统在电力系统中的应用,并对自动发电控制进行了概述。 (2)本文在第三章中介绍了多智能体仿真平台JADE的基本概念,并对JADE中智能体的行为和通信进行了详细的介绍。 (3)本文在第四章中给出了所设计的基于JADE技术的多智能体自动发电控制仿真平台,该平台由频率响应模型、实时数据传输模块和多智能体控制算法模块三部分组成。 (4)本文第五章中利用所设计的平台进行了仿真,通过对仿真结果的分析,可知平台的控制效果良好。此平台可为未来复杂互联多区域的控制协作算法的研究提供更多公正而可靠的评测,为设计和提升算法性能提供研究基础。同时,该平台的建立也为未来复杂多区域强随机互联系统的AGC控制手段的升级提供了一条走向实际应用的思路。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of power grid scale, power grid has become a complex interconnected system including multiple control areas. Frequency is an important index of quality evaluation of electric energy supplied by power grid. Qualified frequency is necessary for the operation of power grid, which can ensure the stability and security of power grid. The main means of frequency control is automatic generation control. Therefore, the effect of automatic generation control is very important to the power quality of power supply. Because of the different operating time, such as the peak and low point of daily electricity consumption, the power system operation point will change. This puts forward higher requirements for power system control performance. When the controller in a certain region can not zero its control error at a certain time, the system frequency and tie-line power exchange will not operate stably. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent algorithm into AGC controller is a feasible method to solve the multi-area coordinated control of complex interconnected systems. This is because the intelligent algorithm has better adaptability than the traditional control algorithm controlled by fixed gain controller. However, there is no unified AGC intelligent simulation platform to realize the cooperative control of multi-control area and evaluate the control effect of intelligent algorithm. In this paper, a new multi-agent dynamic game based automatic generation control technology based on JADE platform is proposed, and the automatic generation control under the strong random environment of power grid caused by the new energy access is simulated in real time. The main contents are as follows: (1) this paper briefly introduces the multi-agent system and the application of multi-agent system in power system. An overview of automatic generation control is given. (2) in Chapter 3, the basic concept of JADE, a multi-agent simulation platform, is introduced. The behavior and communication of agents in JADE are introduced in detail. (3) in chapter 4, the simulation platform of multi-agent automatic generation control based on JADE technology is presented, which is based on frequency response model. The real-time data transmission module and the multi-agent control algorithm module are composed of three parts. (4) in the fifth chapter of this paper, we use the designed platform to simulate, and through the analysis of the simulation results, we can see that the control effect of the platform is good. This platform can provide more fair and reliable evaluation for the future research of control collaboration algorithm in complex interconnected multi-region, and provide the research foundation for designing and improving the performance of the algorithm. At the same time, the establishment of the platform also provides a way of practical application for upgrading the AGC control methods of complex multi-region strong stochastic interconnected systems in the future.


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