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发布时间:2018-09-11 15:02
【摘要】:为了抑制环氧树脂的表面电荷积累,采用氟/氮混合气对环氧树脂试样进行不同时间(10 min、30 min和60 min)的表面氟化处理,然后对树脂进行全反射红外分析,对电学性能、表面电位衰减特性、吸水性、接触角和湿热老化性能进行测试。结果表明:氟化导致环氧试样表层的化学组成和结构发生了变化,氟化的环氧树脂试样的表面电导率提高了3~4个数量级;随着氟化时间的延长,表面电导率呈先增后降的趋势,并于室温下分别约在419 s,986 s和1 296 s内衰减为零;氟化试样的吸水率显著降低,氟化层明显发生了水解。
[Abstract]:In order to restrain the surface charge accumulation of epoxy resin, fluorine / nitrogen mixture was used to treat the surface of epoxy resin samples for different time (10 min,30 min and 60 min). Surface potential attenuation, water absorption, contact angle and hygrothermal aging performance were tested. The results showed that the chemical composition and structure of the surface layer of epoxy resin samples were changed due to fluorination, and the surface conductivity of fluorinated epoxy resin samples increased by 3 ~ 4 orders of magnitude, and the surface conductivity increased first and then decreased with the prolongation of fluorination time. At room temperature, the water absorption of fluorinated samples decreased to zero in 419 s ~ 986s and 1 296 s, respectively, and the hydrolysis of fluorinated layer took place obviously.
【作者单位】: 商丘师范学院物理与电气信息学院;同济大学电气工程系;


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