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发布时间:2018-10-05 15:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, clean energy generation has been developed rapidly. In order to realize the wide access of clean energy, the flexibility and compatibility of power grid must be improved, and smart grid has become an inevitable trend in the development of power grid. Intelligent substation is the important foundation of smart grid and the key supporting point of smart grid development in the future. In this paper, based on the background of 500kV substation construction, this paper summarizes the current situation of intelligent substation construction based on IEC-61850 protocol at home and abroad, and compares the traditional substation with intelligent substation in detail. The characteristics and technical requirements of intelligent substation are pointed out. Then, this paper focuses on the electronic transformer, primary equipment condition monitoring, automation system, advanced application function, which are involved in the construction of intelligent substation. The working principle of electronic transformer is studied and explained, the performance of different types of electronic transformer is compared, and the application of electronic transformer in intelligent substation is analyzed. In this paper, the technology of primary equipment condition detection, automation system and advanced application function designed in the construction of intelligent substation is studied deeply, and the practical application scheme is given. Finally, aiming at the Liyang 500kV intelligent substation project, the key problems such as the selection of electronic transformer, the layout of primary equipment, the selection of measurement and control device, the formulation of data synchronization scheme and the development of various advanced applications are studied and designed. The concrete implementation scheme is put forward and has been applied in practical engineering. The research results of this paper can provide some reference for the construction of intelligent substation in the future.


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