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发布时间:2018-10-08 15:47
[Abstract]:The distribution of energy flux density of focusing spot is an important parameter in tower solar thermal power generation system. Its measurement plays an important role in the performance evaluation and system safety monitoring of the absorber and helioscope field. The continuous measurement of the energy flow density can promote the efficient operation of the absorber and the control of the fixed point of the helioscope. For a given absorber, the system optimization depends on the optimal receiving position and uniformity of the energy flow distribution. These parameters are changed by modifying the tracking parameters of the helioscope and the curvature of the reflector. The optimization of the energy flow distribution on the receiving surface can increase the input power of the absorber to the maximum extent and reduce the peak energy flow density on the receiver, thus reducing the thermal pressure and possible damage. The purpose of this paper is to study the measurement method of energy flow density distribution of focused spot in tower solar thermal power generation system on the basis of theory and practice at home and abroad. A system for measuring the surface energy flux density of a commercial solar power station absorber is designed. The main work accomplished is as follows: 1: 1. The research status of solar thermal power generation system and the existing energy flux density measurement methods. 2. 2. The principle and formula of the new indirect energy flow density measurement method based on "PHLUX" method are demonstrated and deduced, and the matlab program is written on the basis of it. The GUI interface. 3, which can process the input graphics and data and output the energy flow density distribution information of the spot, is obtained. The optimum attenuation ratio of neutral density filter was calculated under the conditions of different light concentration ratio and diffuse reflectivity. The product investigation of neutral density attenuation plate was carried out. The experimental results of the energy flow density distribution of the focusing spot of the near-spherical mirror are obtained. The theoretical values of the measured spot energy are calculated according to the optical model, in which the incident angle of the light on the helioscope is measured by using a total station. The uncertainty of the method is evaluated according to the deviation between the measured value and the theoretical calculation value of the spot energy. The reflection characteristics of three kinds of diffuser plates with different materials and prices are compared through experiments, which provides a reference for the selection of diffuse reflectors in the future. Based on the theoretical formula, various possible uncertainty factors of the measurement methods studied are analyzed, and some solutions are put forward.


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