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发布时间:2018-10-08 16:37
【摘要】:随着国家坚强电网与现代化智能电网的建设与发展,信息的快速获取与及时查询显得越来越重要。另一方面,国家电网公司及省、地市公司在电网智能化建设中,特高压电网、“SG186”工程、一体化调度支持系统、资产全寿命周期管理、电力用户用电信息采集等系统得到了大力建设,且很多系统已上线运行。 本文提出电力数据综合分析展示平台,实现了在各类应用数据和信息流种类繁多,数据量庞大的智能电网系统中,有效提取关键的信息和数据,通过图、表等形式直观、形象的展示出来;并对不同角色的个性化设置,实现信息的分层级管理,提高工作效率。在对电力数据综合分析展示平台的需求分析的基础上,系统技术架构设计遵循开放性、继承性、标准性、安全性、可靠性、拓展性的原则,确定可行的技术路线。系统采用B/S架构,数据库采用Oracle10G,业务应用采用模块化设计,以Java为核心技术研发系统。致力于研究集数据获取、数据挖掘、数据展示、数据管理、数据告警、数据共享、数据安全为一体的生产数据综合展示及交互平台,从而有效提高智能电网管理中的信息获取效率。 该系统具有综合展现、个性化空间、项目工程管理、流程分析、线路故障报表、数据正确性校验、标准管理和系统配置管理等主要功能,极大降低了企业的管理成本、人力资源成本、企业生产成本,提高了企业的工作质量和工作效率,支持建立现代企业的发展战略,具有良好的经济效益和管理价值。
[Abstract]:With the construction and development of national strong power grid and modern smart grid, it is more and more important to obtain information quickly and inquire in time. On the other hand, in the intelligent construction of power grid, State Grid Company and provincial and municipal companies, UHV power grid, "SG186" project, integrated dispatching support system, asset life cycle management, The electric power user information collection system has been built, and many systems have been put into operation. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis and display platform for power data is put forward, which can effectively extract the key information and data in the smart grid system, which has a wide variety of application data and information flow and large amount of data, and can be intuitively used in the form of graphs and tables, etc. Display the image, and the personalization of different roles, to achieve the hierarchical management of information, improve work efficiency. Based on the requirement analysis of the power data comprehensive analysis display platform, the system technical architecture design follows the principles of openness, inheritance, standard, security, reliability and expansion, and determines the feasible technical route. The system adopts B / S architecture, the database adopts Oracle10G, business application modular design, and Java as the core technology to develop the system. Dedicated to the study of data acquisition, data mining, data display, data management, data alarm, data sharing, data security as one of the production data integrated display and interactive platform, In order to improve the efficiency of information acquisition in smart grid management. The system has the main functions of comprehensive display, personalized space, project engineering management, process analysis, line fault report, data correctness check, standard management and system configuration management, which greatly reduces the management cost of the enterprise. The cost of human resources and the cost of production have improved the work quality and efficiency of the enterprise and supported the establishment of the development strategy of the modern enterprise. It has good economic benefit and management value.


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