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发布时间:2018-10-09 21:45
【摘要】:目前国家正在大力发展智能化电网,而变压器铁芯的在线监测系统是构成智能化电网中比较重要的组成部分,通过对铁芯接地电流的在线监测,能够准确判断铁芯的工作状况,从而有的放矢在铁芯出现故障前及时进行维护,不仅有效的提高了供电的可靠性,还尽可能的降低了电力系统的运行费用,,对保障电力变压器的安全运行具有十分重要的意义。本文研究发明一种变压器铁芯接地电流在线监测装置,以用来解决以往的监测运行状态中的变压器铁芯接地状态方法中存在的很难保证测量数据的精度和准确性的问题以及定期巡检无法保证及时发现铁芯多点接地故障的问题。 本文针对铁芯接地电流进行了理论分析,设计了系统硬件电路及系统结构,并对其进行了试验验证。所开发的铁芯接地电流在线监测装置具备铁芯接地电流实时监测、铁芯接地电流越限报警、历史数据存储、查询的功能。 本装置是通过采用高精度穿心式电流互感器套装在变压器铁芯接地线上的方法获取铁芯/夹件接地电流信号,该方法获取的电流信号能够真实反映铁芯接地电流的变化情况,并且与变压器没有电气连接,对变压器的运行不产生任何影响。
[Abstract]:At present, the country is vigorously developing intelligent power grid, and the on-line monitoring system of transformer core is an important part of intelligent power grid. Through on-line monitoring of earthing current of iron core, the working condition of iron core can be accurately judged. Thus timely maintenance before the failure of the iron core can not only effectively improve the reliability of power supply, but also reduce the operating cost of power system as much as possible. It is of great significance to ensure the safe operation of power transformer. In this paper, a transformer core earthing current on-line monitoring device is developed. This method is used to solve the problem that it is difficult to ensure the accuracy and accuracy of the measurement data in the former method of monitoring the transformer core grounding state in the running state, and that the regular inspection can not guarantee the timely detection of the multi-point grounding fault of the iron core. In this paper, the system hardware circuit and system structure are designed and verified by experiments. The developed on-line monitoring device for earthing current of iron core has the functions of real time monitoring of earthing current of iron core, alarm of exceeding limit of earthing current of iron core, storage of historical data and inquiry. The device obtains the earthing current signal of iron core / clamp by adopting the method of high precision current transformer set on the earth wire of transformer core, and the current signal obtained by this method can truly reflect the change of earthing current of iron core. And no electrical connection with the transformer, no impact on the operation of the transformer.


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