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发布时间:2018-10-13 08:56
【摘要】:导线选型是输电线路工程规划建设过程中重要的一环,导线选型的结果直接影响输电线路的安全性、可靠性和经济性。在保证系统安全的情况下,研究输电线路导线选型有着十分现实的意义。 国内外工程建设和研究中对分析导线选型没有形成系统的、规范化的研究理论和方法。本文研究高压直流架空输电线路导线选型思路和方法,从系统规划开始,根据线路的长度,线路经过区域的气候条件和地形条件,确定输电线路的特征参数和限制条件。通过全寿命周期费用计算方法选择合适的经济电流密度,根据系统输送能力确定导线的截面,并根据价格、生产制造和施工工艺以及工程地形条件和气象条件的综合情况选定一系列导线;再根据国内外工程与研究的情况、制造和施工工艺情况确定合适的分裂数和分裂间距。本文采用载流量计算的方法分析和比较导线的输送容量和传输效率;采用直流输电型式下的皮克公式计算导线的起晕场强;采用马克特-门格尔法计算分裂导线线电荷;采用"EPRI"经验公式计算导线最大平均表面电场、标称场强;采用半经验公式法计算合成场强和离子流密度;采用国际无线电干扰特别委员会CISPR推荐的无线电干扰场强计算公式来计算无线电干扰水平;采用“BPA"推荐公式和‘'EPRI"推荐公式计算线路的可听噪声;通过上述方法判定导线的电气性能是否满足要求。根据线缆生产产品的参数分析导线的机械性能,采用拉重比的方法判断导线的弧垂特性,比较在一定应力条件下导线的覆冰厚度来判断导线的过载能力,比较导线的铝部应力判断导线的耐振抗疲劳性能,比较各类型导线的实际荷载和张力。最后采用全寿命周期费用计算方法对输电线路的经济性进行比较。本文通过建设一条高压直流架空输电线路为例,采用公式计算和MATLAB编程计算,校验导线的各项指标,使之能够满足设计规范的要求,然后逐步排除,最终选出最优方案。 本文的导线选型研究为输电线路工程的规划和设计提供了程序化和规范化的理论指导。按照本文介绍的方法,选出的导线既能满足实际应用,符合标准规范的要求,又能保证安全可靠、经济合理。本文的方法在实际工程设计建设时得到检验,并为新型导线的应用和推广提供相关的经验和依据,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。
[Abstract]:Conductor selection is an important part of transmission line project planning and construction. The results of conductor selection directly affect the safety, reliability and economy of transmission line. In order to ensure the safety of the system, the study of transmission line conductor selection has a very practical significance. There is no systematic and standardized research theory and method for analyzing conductor selection in engineering construction and research at home and abroad. In this paper, the train of thought and method of conductor selection for HVDC overhead transmission lines are studied. Starting from the system planning, the characteristic parameters and limiting conditions of transmission lines are determined according to the length of the lines, the climatic conditions and terrain conditions of the transmission lines passing through the region. The appropriate economical current density is selected through the calculation method of the whole life cycle cost, the section of the conductor is determined according to the transmission capacity of the system, and according to the price, A series of conductors are selected according to the production and construction technology as well as the comprehensive conditions of engineering topography and meteorological conditions and the appropriate splitting numbers and spacing are determined according to the conditions of engineering and research at home and abroad. In this paper, the carrier current calculation method is used to analyze and compare the transmission capacity and transmission efficiency of conductors, the Pike formula under direct current transmission type is used to calculate the halo field strength of conductors, and the Maxt-Mengel method is used to calculate the line charges of split conductors. The "EPRI" empirical formula is used to calculate the maximum average surface electric field of the conductor, and the semi-empirical formula is used to calculate the synthetic field strength and ion current density. The radio interference level is calculated by using the radio interference field strength formula recommended by CISPR, and the audible noise of the circuit is calculated by using the "BPA" recommended formula and the 'EPRI' recommended formula. Through the above method, determine whether the electrical performance of the wire meets the requirements. According to the parameters of cable production products, the mechanical properties of conductors are analyzed, and the sagging characteristics of conductors are judged by the method of drawing weight ratio, and the overloading capacity of conductors is judged by comparing the ice thickness of conductors under certain stress conditions. The aluminum stress of conductors is compared to determine the vibration and fatigue resistance of conductors, and the actual loads and tension of various types of conductors are compared. Finally, the economy of transmission line is compared with the whole life cycle cost calculation method. Through the construction of a HVDC overhead transmission line as an example, the formula calculation and MATLAB programming calculation are used to check the various indexes of the conductor, so that it can meet the requirements of the design code, and then gradually exclude, and finally select the optimal scheme. The study of conductor selection in this paper provides a theoretical guidance for the planning and design of transmission line engineering. According to the method introduced in this paper, the selected conductors can not only meet the practical application, meet the requirements of the standard specification, but also ensure the safety, reliability, economy and reasonableness. The method in this paper is tested in practical engineering design and construction, and provides relevant experience and basis for the application and popularization of new type conductors. It has good economic and social benefits.


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