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发布时间:2018-10-13 13:57
【摘要】:近年来,电力信息化技术在推动电力工业的发展与创新、提高电力企业生产力和生产效益、转变电力生产方式和企业发展方式等方面己初见成效。随着我国经济的高速发展,对电力输电网、电厂设备等基础设施的安全运行也提出了更高的要求,各大电力公司均在线路、设备的巡检和维护上投入了大量的人力、物力。但是,由于技术条件的限制,使得电力巡检环节上存在巡检效率低、难于管理等诸多不足,同时,原有的手工记录和报告形式也极大地限制了电力运行管理现代化的建设。电力线路巡检管理系统适用于供电公司的供电设备管理部门,它有利于减轻巡检人员和设备管理人员的工作量,提高工作效率,同时该系统的使用也优化了对巡查人员的监管,对加强巡查与检修工作的衔接起到了非常好的促进作用。巡检人员在巡检计划的指导下完成巡检作业能够确保现场的工作状态和质量的达标,将管理要求真正落实到日常工作中,实现企业对现场巡检人员是否到位的科学化管理,从根本上杜绝巡检人员不到位、作业报表杜撰、任意修改等漏洞。方便的输入时间、卡号等信息,及时地上传数据,可减少因传统上报手工表格方式带来的时间差,提高了工作效率,也为保证电网安全运行、提高供电、用电管理自动化水平和工作效率,提高经济效益和社会效益提供了有效的手段。因此,本文从电力公司的现状出发首先通过详细的系统需求分析并确立工作任务。其次,在电力线路巡检管理系统功能需求的分析下,论文建立了用例分析和模块关系。最后,基于.Net平台,本文以B/S结构为基础,客户端使用了 SQL数据库,通过C#语言实现了电力线路巡检管理系统的功能,最后对系统进行了软件的测试分析,并对后续开发工作提出了合理建议。本系统改变了传统的线路巡检方式,实现线路现场巡检作业的规范、可控,可以提高电力巡检系统的工作效率和运行质量,使故障定位更加准确、显示方式灵活多样,并能更好地进行分析与决策。巡检员不再单纯靠经验和督促进行巡检工作,因此可以把更多的精力和时间放在缺陷的发现和管理中。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the electric power information technology has achieved initial results in promoting the development and innovation of the electric power industry, improving the productivity and production efficiency of the electric power enterprises, and transforming the power production mode and the enterprise development mode. With the rapid development of economy in our country, higher requirements have been put forward for the safe operation of basic facilities such as power transmission network, power plant equipment and so on. All major power companies have invested a great deal of manpower and material resources in the inspection and maintenance of line and equipment. However, due to the limitation of technical conditions, there are many shortcomings in the inspection of electric power, such as low efficiency and difficult to manage, etc. At the same time, the original manual record and report form also greatly limits the modernization of electric power operation and management. The power line inspection and management system is suitable for the power supply equipment management department of the power supply company. It is helpful to reduce the workload of the patrol and equipment management personnel and improve the work efficiency. At the same time, the use of the system also optimizes the supervision of the inspection personnel. To strengthen inspection and repair work link up played a very good role in promoting. Under the guidance of the inspection plan, the inspection personnel can ensure that the work status and quality of the site meet the standard, and the management requirements are truly implemented in the daily work, so as to realize the scientific management of whether the on-site inspection personnel are in place. Fundamentally put an end to inspection personnel not in place, job reports, arbitrary modifications and other loopholes. Convenient input time, card number and other information, timely uploading data, can reduce the time difference caused by the traditional way of reporting manual tables, improve the working efficiency, and also ensure the safe operation of the power grid and increase the power supply. The automation level and working efficiency of electric power management provide effective means to improve economic and social benefits. Therefore, this paper starts from the current situation of power companies through detailed system requirements analysis and the establishment of work tasks. Secondly, under the analysis of the function requirement of the power line inspection and management system, the use case analysis and the module relationship are established. Finally, based on. Net platform, based on the structure of B / S, the client uses SQL database, realizes the function of power line inspection and management system through C # language, finally carries on the software test and analysis to the system. Some reasonable suggestions are put forward for further development. The system has changed the traditional way of line inspection, realized the standard of line inspection, controlled, can improve the work efficiency and operation quality of the electric power inspection system, make the fault location more accurate, the display way is flexible and diverse. And can better carry on the analysis and the decision. Inspectors no longer rely solely on experience and supervision, so they can devote more energy and time to the detection and management of defects.


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