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发布时间:2018-10-13 16:57
[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional diode rectifier, the diode clamped three-level PWM rectifier has the advantages of low current harmonics, adjustable power factor, bidirectional energy flow and adjustable DC voltage. These characteristics make diode clamped three-level PWM rectifier have a good application prospect in high-voltage power transmission and distribution, high-voltage high-power motor speed regulation and other high-voltage high-power fields. In this paper, the neutral point clamped three-phase three-level SVPWM rectifier is taken as the research object. Firstly, the operation state and control principle of PWM rectifier are analyzed by studying the model circuit of PWM rectifier. At the same time, the principle of the main circuit is analyzed in detail according to the topology of the neutral-point clamped three-phase three-level rectifier. Based on this, the mathematical model of three-phase three-level rectifier in three-phase static abc coordinate system, two-phase static 伪 尾 coordinate system and two-phase rotating dq coordinate system is established. Then, the mathematical model of diode clamped three-level PWM rectifier based on instantaneous power theory is derived, which lays a theoretical foundation for the design and optimization of three-phase three-level rectifier control system. Secondly, based on the established mathematical model of three-level PWM rectifier based on instantaneous power control, the structure of traditional direct power control system based on hysteresis comparison is studied in detail. Then, a new power control model analysis method is used to improve the design of hysteresis switch table, which improves the control effect. However, the switching frequency of rectifier is not fixed by hysteresis comparator. In order to overcome this shortcoming, a predictive direct power control strategy based on space vector is proposed in this paper. This control strategy combines power predictive control theory with space vector modulation technology to replace the original hysteresis comparator and switch table to achieve frequency fixed. Then, the three-phase three-level PWM rectifier control system is built under the simulation environment of PLECS simulation software, and the three control methods are verified by simulation, and the simulation results are compared and analyzed deeply. Finally, on the basis of the above theoretical analysis, the control platform of DSP CPLD is established, and the correctness of the direct power control strategy based on prediction is verified by experiments, and the problems encountered in the debugging process are analyzed and solved. Further improve the system performance indicators.


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