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发布时间:2018-10-15 11:36
[Abstract]:In recent years, the problems of energy shortage, deterioration of ecological environment and economic recovery are prominent. Energy saving and consumption reduction become the inevitable requirement of sustainable development of ecology and economy. The household electric energy management system can not only promote the users to form a good habit of using household appliances to save electricity, but also provides the functions of visualization of household appliances power information and remote control of household appliances. It can also provide effective means for users to monitor electrical information of household appliances to ensure the safety of electricity use. At present, the level of power grid intelligence in China is not high, the research and development cost of intelligent household appliances is high, and the networked control standard of intelligent household appliances is not unified, resulting in the development of household power management system is not ideal. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a design scheme of household power management system based on embedded technology. The system consists of three parts: intelligent socket, power gateway and upper computer. The intelligent socket realizes the functions of household electrical information collection and data communication, and the power gateway realizes household appliances information storage, centralized management of home appliances Web service and embedded Internet communication function. Users can use PC browser software to log on to the power gateway Web management website, remote view and management of household appliances. Home appliances use intelligent socket node to join home power management system, intelligent socket and power gateway communicate through home power line network, and upper computer and home power gateway communicate remotely through Internet. Firstly, the intelligent socket node is designed by using power metering technology and single chip computer control technology. The hardware design uses STC12C5A60S2 chip as the control core, including ADE7755 metering chip related circuit, power supply circuit, sampling circuit and relay control circuit design, software design includes main program, electric energy metering, clock metering, communication processing, etc. Power-off protection program design and function register and instruction definition and so on. Secondly, the home power gateway is designed with embedded Web technology, embedded database technology and PLC technology. The core of hardware design is GEC2440, which includes power supply, memory, PLC module and Ethernet interface. The software includes the construction of embedded arm-linux-gcc development environment, the design of boaWeb server, the design of SQLite3 database and the design of home power management system website. Finally, the test platform is built to test the performance of the system. The test results show that the response time of the system is less than 3 seconds, the average error of power measurement is not more than 1W, the intelligent socket can accurately measure the electrical information of household appliances and respond accurately to the user management instruction, the interface of the management website is simple, the operation is convenient, and the functions are complete. This system not only reduces the intelligent cost of household appliances, but also solves the problem that the control standard of household appliances is not uniform, and the intelligent socket can not only reduce the intelligent cost of household appliances, but also solve the problem that the control standards of household appliances are not uniform. Using PLC and Internet to replace smart grid communication can avoid the limitation of low intelligence level of power grid in our country, and it is widely used in the field of household power management in China.


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