[Abstract]:With the development of information automation technology, the technological reform of traditional industries has been deepened continuously, and various kinds of advanced automation equipment have emerged one after another, and technology-intensive industries will eventually replace capital-intensive and labor-intensive industries. As a typical labor-intensive electric heater manufacturing industry, it faces a severe test. There are many disadvantages in manual detection of electric heating tube, which is difficult to meet the demand of daily output. In order to improve the production efficiency and improve the production technology, a kind of intelligent detection and sorting of electric parameters and dimension parameters of electric heating tube is developed by using modern automation technology. In order to realize the automatic detection and sorting of the parameters of the electric heating tube, a feeding system, a testing system and a sorting system are designed to meet this demand. On the basis of analyzing the separation process of testing line, a set of control system with (Programable Logic Controler (Programmable Logic Controller) as main control unit and touch screen technology is designed. Combined with the mechanical structure of the inspection line, the input and output signals are analyzed, and the control system structure is built. The control program and the man-machine interface are designed by using the Mitsubishi programming software GX Developer and GT Designer to compile the sequence function diagram (Sequential Function Chart for short. The automatic detection and sorting control of the electric heating tube are realized. Finally, the installation and debugging of the automatic test line of the electric heating tube and the test work are completed, and the error of the test is analyzed and corrected. Modern control components such as PLC, touch screen, step driver, step motor, cylinder, solenoid valve and so on are used to realize the automatic detection and sorting of electric heating tube based on PLC. The comprehensive application of mechanical and electrical integration technology is explored. The application practice shows that the automatic test line of electric heating pipe runs stably, reliably and with high working efficiency.
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