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发布时间:2018-10-19 16:12
【摘要】:随着计算机技术和电子系统设计技术的进步,频谱仪正朝中频数字化、面板软件化、测量功能多样化方向发展,而模块化设计技术成为满足上述发展趋势的主要技术手段之一。相比于桌面谱仪具有更好集成优势被当做广泛使用的PXIe模块的PXIe模块化频谱仪能够构建大型的自动化测试测量体系具有广阔的市场前景。本文基于虚拟仪器的思想,设计完成了一种频率范围10MHz至7.5GHz的外差式PXI模块化仪器架构频谱仪的PC端谱仪控制与显示软件以及中频模块仪器驱动程序。根据对PXIe模块化频谱仪的界面信息丰富、操作简洁方便、实时用户操作响应、强大的数据处理及存储回调功能等应用需求,按照模块化软件设计方案,本文将应用软件划分为四个功能模块:界面显示模块,包括对界面的布局、不同菜单栏的设计、不同模式下频谱数据、参数及状态显示等;系统控制模块,即对中频及射频模块的多模块控制;数据处理模块,涵盖频谱仪相关控制参数及频谱数据的分析、处理、计算及高级测量功能等;文件管理模块,实现图像存储,迹线存储及回调、状态存储及回调的功能。利用多线程设计技术,确保硬件驱动、界面显示、数据分析和测量功能之间既相互独立又相互协调。中频模块仪器驱动程序方面,本文是在Windows XP系统下,选用在VC++平台下开发仪器驱动以及总线驱动程序的方法,利用基于WinDriver的API库函数,编写设备资源类、参数配置类、状态查询类及数据传输类仪器驱动函数,以封装成DLL(动态链接库)的方式实现应用程序与底层中频模块通信的功能,并可以方便用户进行二次开发。软硬件联调、功能验证方面,设计中,分别对应用程序各功能模块和驱动程序各功能函数进行了调试验证。整机调试的结果证明了软件系统功能的正确和完备,软件设计满足PC端谱仪控制与显示软件整机控制及管理需求。最后采用第三方软件NSIS,针对LabVIEW平台下编写的程序制作安装程序以供用户安装使用。
[Abstract]:With the development of computer technology and electronic system design technology, the spectrum spectrometer is developing towards if digitization, panel software and measurement function diversification, and modularization design technology has become one of the main technical means to meet the above development trend. Compared with the desktop spectrometer, the PXIe modular spectrometer, which has better integration advantages as a widely used PXIe module, can build a large automatic measurement system. It has a broad market prospect. Based on the idea of virtual instrument, the control and display software of PC terminal spectrometer of heterodyne PXI modularized instrument with frequency range from 10MHz to 7.5GHz and the driver of if module instrument are designed in this paper. According to the application requirements of PXIe modularized spectrometer, such as rich interface information, simple and convenient operation, real-time user operation response, powerful data processing and storage callback function, according to the modular software design scheme, In this paper, the application software is divided into four functional modules: interface display module, including interface layout, design of different menu bar, spectrum data, parameter and state display in different modes, system control module, etc. That is, multi-module control of intermediate frequency and radio frequency module, data processing module, including spectrum data analysis, processing, calculation and advanced measurement function, file management module, image storage, and so on. Trace storage and callback, state storage and callback function. The multithread design technology is used to ensure that the hardware driver, interface display, data analysis and measurement function are independent and coordinate with each other. In the aspect of if module instrument driver, this paper chooses the method of developing instrument driver and bus driver under VC platform under Windows XP system, using API library function based on WinDriver to write equipment resource class and parameter configuration class. The device driver function of status query class and data transmission class can realize the function of communication between the application program and the underlying if module by encapsulating it into a DLL (dynamic Link Library) mode, and it is also convenient for users to carry out secondary development. In the aspect of hardware and software combination and function verification, the function modules of application program and the function functions of driver are debugged and verified respectively in the design. The debugging results show that the function of the software system is correct and complete. The software design meets the requirements of the control and management of the PC end-spectrometer control and display software. Finally, the third party software NSIS, is used to build the installation program for the user to install the program under the LabVIEW platform.


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