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发布时间:2018-10-20 12:43
【摘要】:运动控制及伺服驱动系统广泛应用于现代机械制造业的各个领域,是工业自动化的核心,其技术的发展对国民经济具有重要意义。目前工业机器人、数控机床等多轴运动系统大多仍采用一个运动控制器加多个伺服驱动器的分布式控制方式,在实际应用中存在系统硬件冗余度高、信号传输易受干扰、及价格昂贵等问题,有必要进一步简化控制驱动系统结构。本文以驱控一体化多轴运动控制器的开发为目标,对相关硬件结构的设计、电机矢量控制以及相关IP核在FPGA中的实现和电机控制程序的开发进行了研究。本文首先提出了一种支持以太网通讯并能够同时控制和驱动多个永磁同步电机的硬件设计方案,该方案采用具有硬件TCP/IP协议栈功能的芯片进行以太网互联,使用DSP进行数据收发和位置环计算等,通过FPGA实现电流和位置反馈的采集以及电机控制等,功率部分以智能功率模块IPM为核心实现三相逆变功能。论述了本课题中在FPGA上实现矢量控制算法的必要性,并永磁同步电机的数学模型进行了分析,介绍了电机控制及SVPWM算法。以此为基础在Matlab/DSP Builder环境下搭建了矢量控制模块。针对绝对值光电编码器通讯和电流采样ADC的SPI通讯编写了相应的通讯接口模块,并对PWM波形发生原理进行了分析,编写了相应的IP核,并在ModelSim下进行了仿真验证。最终将相关IP和Nios II在FPGA中集成为SoPC系统,编写了多个永磁同步电机的控制程序和中断程序,并针对嵌入式系统对程序进行了优化。搭建了相关测试平台,并通过对系统程序运行时间的分析,和电机电流环、速度环的实验验证了系统的可行性和有效性。
[Abstract]:Motion control and servo drive system are widely used in various fields of modern mechanical manufacturing industry and are the core of industrial automation. The development of motion control and servo drive system is of great significance to the national economy. At present, most multi-axis motion systems, such as industrial robots and CNC machine tools, still adopt the distributed control mode of one motion controller and multiple servo drivers. In practical applications, the hardware redundancy of the system is high, and the signal transmission is easily interfered. And expensive problems, it is necessary to further simplify the structure of the control drive system. Aiming at the development of multi-axis motion controller integrated with drive and control, this paper studies the design of related hardware structure, the realization of motor vector control, the realization of related IP core in FPGA and the development of motor control program. In this paper, a hardware design scheme which supports Ethernet communication and can control and drive multiple permanent magnet synchronous motors simultaneously is proposed. This scheme uses a chip with the function of hardware TCP/IP protocol stack for Ethernet interconnection. DSP is used for data transceiver and position loop calculation. The collection of current and position feedback and motor control are realized by FPGA. The three-phase inverter function is realized in the power part with the intelligent power module IPM as the core. The necessity of realizing vector control algorithm on FPGA is discussed. The mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor is analyzed and the motor control and SVPWM algorithm are introduced. On this basis, the vector control module is built in Matlab/DSP Builder environment. The corresponding communication interface module for absolute photoelectric encoder communication and SPI communication of current-sampled ADC is developed, and the principle of PWM waveform generation is analyzed. The corresponding IP core is compiled and simulated under ModelSim. Finally, the related IP and Nios II are integrated into SoPC system in FPGA, and several PMSM control programs and interrupt programs are written, and the program is optimized for embedded system. The related test platform is built and the feasibility and effectiveness of the system are verified by the analysis of the running time of the system and the experiments of the motor current loop and the speed loop.


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