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发布时间:2018-10-21 18:22
【摘要】:鉴于复合绝缘子在电力系统中的广泛应用及其老化问题日益严重的现状,其老化状态评估变得尤为重要和迫切。一种精确、合理的老化状态评估方法对电力系统的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。基于绝缘材料的电导特性分析在聚乙烯、聚酰亚胺等材料的老化状态评估中得到了相应的应用,而其在复合绝缘子老化状态评估中的应用还未见报道,本文提出了基于硅橡胶材料电导电流测试的复合绝缘子老化状态评估新方法,从理论上推导了该方法评估绝缘子老化状态的可行性,并利用其分析了现场运行复合绝缘子的老化特性。以转轮法人工加速老化试验和现场运行的复合绝缘子为研究对象,对其进行了电导电流测试、憎水性测试、扫描电镜分析及红外光谱分析。基于人工加速老化试验中的绝缘子,探究了基于电导电流测试评估其老化状态的可行性;基于现场运行的复合绝缘子,探究了伞群位置、运行年限、环境污秽及运行电压等级等因素对硅橡胶材料电导电流特性的影响规律。设计了绝缘材料的电导电流测量装置,确定了试样的尺寸参数及制备方案。对人工加速老化试验中绝缘子的性能测试结果表明:未经老化的试品电老化阈值在10 k V/mm左右,人工加速老化10000转后的试品电老化阈值在8.0k V/mm左右,人工加速老化20000转后的试品电老化阈值在6.5 k V/mm左右。加速老化时间越长、老化越严重的试样,其电导电流数值越大、电老化阈值越低、陷阱能级越深。对现场运行的复合绝缘子老化特性研究结果表明:绝缘子串上场强分布高的位置、运行年限较长的绝缘子及运行地区环境污秽严重的绝缘子,其伞群材料的电老化阈值较低、电导电流较大,内部陷阱数量较多;运行电压等级对绝缘子老化程度的影响较小。电导电流测试与静态接触角测量、扫描电镜分析及红外光谱分析评估试样的老化状态评估具有高度的一致性。研究结果初步表明:基于材料电导电流测试得到的电老化阈值及其相关参数可以用来评估复合绝缘子的老化状态,能够准确反映现场运行复合绝缘子的老化特性,电老化阈值成为复合绝缘子老化状态评估的新判据是可能的。
[Abstract]:In view of the extensive application of composite insulators in power systems and the increasingly serious aging problem, the assessment of their aging status becomes particularly important and urgent. An accurate and reasonable method for evaluating the aging state is of great significance to the safe and stable operation of power system. The electrical conductivity analysis based on insulating material has been applied to the evaluation of aging state of polyethylene, polyimide and other materials, but its application in the assessment of aging state of composite insulators has not been reported. In this paper, a new method for evaluating the aging state of composite insulators based on conductivity current measurement of silicone rubber materials is proposed, and the feasibility of this method to evaluate the aging state of insulators is deduced theoretically. The aging characteristics of composite insulators in operation are analyzed. Taking the artificial accelerated aging test and the field operation of composite insulator as the research object, the conductance current, hydrophobicity, scanning electron microscope and infrared spectrum analysis of the composite insulator were studied. Based on the insulator in the artificial accelerated aging test, the feasibility of evaluating the aging state of the insulator based on the conductance current test is explored, and the location and running life of the umbrella group are explored based on the composite insulator operating in the field. The influence of environmental pollution and operating voltage on the conductivity characteristics of silicone rubber materials. The measuring device of conductance current of insulating material was designed, and the dimension parameters and preparation scheme of the sample were determined. The test results of the properties of the insulators in the artificial accelerated aging test show that the electrical aging threshold of the unaged samples is about 10 k V/mm, and the electrical aging threshold of the samples after 10000 cycles of artificial accelerated aging is about 8.0 k V/mm. The electrical aging threshold was about 6. 5 k V/mm after 20000 cycles of artificial accelerated aging. The longer the aging time is, the more serious the aging time is, the larger the conductivity current is, the lower the electric aging threshold is, and the deeper the trap level is. The aging characteristics of composite insulators in field operation are studied. The results show that when the insulator string has a high distribution of field strength, the insulator with long operating life and the insulator with serious environmental pollution in the operating area, the electrical aging threshold of the parachute group material is lower. The conductance current is larger and the number of internal traps is more, and the influence of operating voltage level on the aging degree of insulator is small. The measurement of conductance current is consistent with the static contact angle measurement, scanning electron microscope analysis and infrared spectrum analysis to evaluate the aging state of the sample. The results show that the electrical aging threshold and its related parameters can be used to evaluate the aging state of composite insulators and to accurately reflect the ageing characteristics of composite insulators in field operation. It is possible that the electrical aging threshold can be used as a new criterion for evaluating the aging state of composite insulators.


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