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发布时间:2018-10-22 07:00
【摘要】:汽轮机、发电机是火力电厂中最重要的设备,堪称电厂的心脏。正确合理的设计汽轮发电机基础是电厂设计工作中的重点。因为汽轮发电机基础的设计对设计人员要求较高,在设计院中一般的设计人员没有机会接触汽轮发电机基础的设计。即使在大型的甲级电力设计院中专业从事汽轮发电机基础的设计人数也极少;在中小型的电力设计院中也有不少主设人对汽轮发电机基础的理解存在一定误区,如过度依赖以往的设计经验、设计过于保守,理论基础薄弱、不会软件操作等。大部分设计人员都渴望有一本能直接应用于设计的书籍,即有关汽机基础计算理论、设计中应遵守的规范、设计步骤、计算软件的操作等比较系统的能指导一般设计人员设计的书籍。苦于现在市面上尚无一本此类的书籍,基本上设计人员如没有老师特殊培养几乎不可能独立完成汽轮发电机基础的设计工作。本文对汽轮发电机基础的发展史、计算原理、计算要求做了简述,重点介绍汽轮发电机基础的设计方法及过程,给出了具体工程的设计实例。本文最后对各种设计软件进行分析比较,利用多种软件分析比较可有效的优化汽轮发电机基础的设计。本文在实际设计中对一般的设计人员或对汽轮发电机基础不熟悉的设计人员有着重要的意义,使之可在短时间很对汽轮发电机基础的设计快速上手,并有利于设计人员的优化设计。汽轮发电机基础通常采用框架式基础,其设计内容包括静力计算、动力计算、构造与配筋等。静力计算主要内容包括地基强度的验算、机组偏心值验算、强度计算、动力荷载按静力荷载当量进行简化计算、温度应力、地震作用效应、构件的内力计算等。动力计算是设计中的难点,现阶段各设计院设计时的主要是依据是《动力机器基础设计规范》(GB50040-96)。常用的辅助计算软件为TGFP、ANSYS、SAP2000、 Staad等。目前各种计算软件各有优缺点,其计算结果略有差异。本文通过各种计算方法的比较后认为规范规定的简化计算方法基本已很少应用,应按多空间自由度考虑,《TGFP》软件计算结果直观明确,易于上手,适合设计出图,其他有限元软件更适合对基础进行动力分析,如果条件允许应多软件分析比较,设计中不要迷信软件,应对计算软件的结果理性分析,严格按规范控制各种指标的同时,更应注意优化设计。同样的计算结果不同的设计人绘制的图纸可能差别很大,绘制图纸时应重点注意钢筋配置、构造要求、出图深度等方面的优化设计。
[Abstract]:Steam turbine, generator is the most important equipment in thermal power plant, can be called the heart of power plant. Correct and reasonable design of turbogenerator foundation is the key of power plant design. Because the design of turbogenerator foundation is very demanding to the designers, the general designers in the design institute do not have the opportunity to contact the design of the turbogenerator foundation. Even in large Grade A electric power design institutes, the number of people who specialize in the design of turbo-generator foundations is very small, and there are some misunderstandings of the understanding of turbo-generator foundations among many principal designers in small and medium-sized electric power design institutes. Such as relying on the past design experience, design is too conservative, weak theoretical foundation, no software operation and so on. Most designers are eager to have a book that instinctively applies directly to the design, namely, the basic calculation theory of the turbine, the specifications to be followed in the design, and the design steps. The operation of computing software is more systematic and can guide the design of general designers. At present, there is not a book of this kind on the market. Basically, it is almost impossible for designers to complete the design of turbogenerator foundation independently without the special training of teachers. In this paper, the development history, calculation principle and calculation requirements of turbogenerator foundation are briefly described, the design method and process of turbogenerator foundation are introduced emphatically, and the design examples of concrete project are given. Finally, various design software are analyzed and compared, which can effectively optimize the design of turbogenerator foundation. This paper is of great significance to the general designers or the designers who are not familiar with the foundation of the turbogenerator in the actual design, so that it can be used quickly in the design of the turbogenerator foundation in a short time. And is advantageous to the designer's optimization design. The foundation of turbogenerator is usually frame foundation, which includes static calculation, dynamic calculation, construction and reinforcement. The main contents of static calculation include checking calculation of foundation strength, checking calculation of unit eccentricity value, strength calculation, simplified calculation of dynamic load according to static load equivalent, temperature stress, seismic effect, calculation of internal force of component, etc. Dynamic calculation is a difficult point in the design. At present, the main basis of the design of each design institute is the Design Code for Power Machine Foundation (GB50040-96). The commonly used assistant calculation software is TGFP,ANSYS,SAP2000, Staad and so on. At present, all kinds of computing software have their own advantages and disadvantages, and their calculation results are slightly different. Through the comparison of various calculation methods, this paper thinks that the simplified calculation method stipulated in the code has been rarely applied, and should be considered according to the degree of freedom in many spaces. The calculation results of < TGFP > software are intuitionistic and clear, easy to use, and suitable for the design of drawings. Other finite element software is more suitable for dynamic analysis of foundation. If conditions permit, there should be more software analysis and comparison, and no superstitious software should be used in the design, so as to deal with the rational analysis of the results of the calculation software and to control all kinds of indexes strictly according to the specifications, at the same time, More attention should be paid to optimal design. The drawings drawn by different designers with the same calculation results may vary greatly. The optimum design of steel bar configuration, construction requirements and drawing depth should be paid more attention to when drawing drawings.


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