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发布时间:2018-10-26 12:04
【摘要】:近年来,随着“低碳经济”理念被人们逐步接受并倡导,加大清洁能源开发力度成为未来能源的发展方向。在清洁能源的开发和利用中,风能利用技术相对成熟,而海上风能利用是其重要组成部分。但在海上风电场的建设期和运营期,,尤其是在风机桩基固定过程中进行的冲击式打桩作业,会向水中辐射高强度、瞬发性、宽频带的脉冲信号。研究表明,冲击式水下打桩噪声会影响海洋哺乳动物的行为,掩蔽其声学信号,甚至造成其听觉损伤。 中华白海豚(Chinese white dolphin, Sousa chinensis)是我国国家一级保护动物,在我国主要分布在东南沿海。中华白海豚利用回声定位信号进行水下目标的探测与识别,通过声学信号进行个体间的交流,声学信号是中华白海豚赖以生存的重要工具。海上风电场水下打桩噪声和运营期噪声可能会造成中华白海豚的听觉损伤,并掩蔽其水下发声信号,最终影响其正常的生命活动。 为了保护中华白海豚,降低海上风电场水下打桩噪声和运营期噪声对中华白海豚的影响,需要对水下打桩噪声和海上风机运营期水下噪声进行现场监测,通过时频域分析了解水下噪声的声学特性,并结合中华白海豚的听觉和声学信号特性,研究水下打桩噪声和海上风机运营期噪声对中华白海豚听觉和发声信号的影响,评估其对中华白海豚的影响范围和程度,从而为中华白海豚的声学保护提供参考依据。 本论文的主要内容为: 1、详细介绍了中华白海豚声学特性、海上风电场水下打桩噪声和运营期噪声声学特性及其对海洋哺乳动物影响的国内外研究进展,介绍了水下噪声监测设备以及信号处理方法; 2、对中华白海豚click信号进行实际测量,分析click信号的时频域特性并估计其声源级,比较厦门海域和雷州湾海域中华白海豚的click信号特性; 3、对水下打桩噪声进行实际测量,分析其时频域特性,并对水下打桩噪声的声学参数进行统计,研究水下打桩噪声的传播特性;基于dBht(species)参数评估水下打桩噪声对中华白海豚听力和行为的影响,并探究其对中华白海豚声信号的掩蔽效应; 4、对海上风机运营期水下噪声进行实际测量,分析其时频域特性;基于海洋哺乳动物物种噪声剂量dBht(species)参数来评估海上风机运营期水下噪声对中华白海豚听力和行为的影响,并分析其对中华白海豚声学信号的掩蔽效应。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the concept of "low-carbon economy" gradually accepted and advocated, increasing the intensity of clean energy development has become the future direction of energy development. In the development and utilization of clean energy, wind energy utilization technology is relatively mature, and offshore wind energy utilization is an important part. But in the construction and operation period of offshore wind farm, especially the impact piling operation in the fixed process of fan pile foundation, it will radiate high intensity, instantaneous and wide band pulse signal into the water. The results show that the impact piling noise can affect the behavior of marine mammals, mask their acoustic signals, and even cause hearing damage. Chinese White Dolphin (Chinese white dolphin, Sousa chinensis) is a first-class protected animal in China, which is mainly distributed along the southeast coast of China. Chinese white dolphins use echolocation signals to detect and identify underwater targets and communicate among individuals through acoustic signals. Acoustic signals are important tools for the survival of Chinese white dolphins. Underwater piling noise and operating period noise of offshore wind farm may cause hearing damage of Chinese white dolphin and mask its underwater sound signal and affect its normal life activity. In order to protect Chinese white dolphin and reduce the influence of underwater piling noise and operating period noise on Chinese white dolphin, it is necessary to monitor underwater piling noise and underwater noise during offshore fan operation. The acoustic characteristics of underwater noise were analyzed in time and frequency domain, and the effects of underwater piling noise and noise of offshore fan on hearing and sound signals of Chinese white dolphin were studied by combining the auditory and acoustic signal characteristics of Chinese white dolphin. In order to provide reference for acoustic protection of Chinese white dolphin, the range and extent of its influence on Chinese white dolphin were evaluated. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: 1. The acoustic characteristics of Chinese white dolphin, underwater piling noise of offshore wind farm, noise acoustic characteristics of operating period and their effects on marine mammals are introduced in detail. The underwater noise monitoring equipment and signal processing method are introduced. 2. The click signal of Chinese white dolphin was measured, the time-frequency characteristic of click signal was analyzed and its sound source level was estimated, and the click signal characteristics of Chinese white dolphin in Xiamen sea area and Leizhou Bay sea area were compared. 3. The actual measurement of underwater piling noise is carried out, and the time-frequency characteristic is analyzed. The acoustic parameters of underwater piling noise are analyzed, and the propagation characteristics of underwater piling noise are studied. The effects of underwater piling noise on the hearing and behavior of Chinese white dolphins were evaluated based on dBht (species) parameters, and the masking effect of underwater piling noise on the acoustic signals of Chinese white dolphins was investigated. (4) the underwater noise of offshore fan during operation period is measured and the time-frequency characteristic is analyzed. The effects of underwater noise on the hearing and behavior of Chinese white dolphin were evaluated based on the dBht (species) parameter of marine mammal species noise and the masking effect of underwater noise on acoustic signal of Chinese white dolphin was analyzed.


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1 汪启铭;海上风电场建设水下噪声对中华白海豚影响研究[D];厦门大学;2014年




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