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发布时间:2018-10-30 09:26
[Abstract]:As an important part of AC power supply, if inverter has been widely used in the fields of aviation, locomotive and ship. In this paper, 10kVA 400Hz / 115V combined three-phase four-wire inverter is taken as the research object. This paper mainly studies the double loop control technology and current limiting protection technology of inverter. Firstly, the mathematical model of the control object with output isolation transformer is introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of several double loop control schemes are compared. Finally, the double loop control strategy of capacitive voltage outer loop inductor current inner loop with load current feedforward is selected. On the basis of considering the influence of digital control delay, the double loop control parameters are designed in the continuous domain. In order to facilitate the setting of the limiting point, the inner loop adopts PR (proportional resonance) controller, and the outer loop is except the fundamental PR controller. In order to suppress the output voltage harmonics, a low order harmonic resonance controller, such as 3 / 5 / 7, is added to the outer ring. The simulation and experiments show that the designed double loop control parameters are feasible. Secondly, in order to improve the reliability and short-circuit performance of the inverter, a variable parameter current limiting control strategy is proposed. By reducing the parameters of the outer loop PR controller and taking the inner loop of the double loop control as the control object, the output characteristics can be improved effectively and the output current harmonics can be greatly reduced when the three phase short circuit, two phase short circuit and single phase short circuit fault occur. The noise of the output isolation transformer during short circuit is also weakened. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed scheme has a good current limiting effect. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the parameter design process and current limiting control strategy are summarized, and the future work is prospected.


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