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发布时间:2018-10-30 10:08
[Abstract]:The reliability of industrial products refers to the capability or possibility of performing specified functions without failure or stability under specified conditions and within a specified period of time for components, equipment, and systems of industrial production. The reliability of industrial products in actual use is called working reliability, including inherent reliability of industrial products and operational reliability of industrial products. Reliability testing is a means to investigate, analyze and evaluate the reliability of products. The test results provide basis for fault analysis, research and corrective measures to judge whether the product meets the target requirements. Based on the practical industrial frequency converter, a testing system for its working reliability is developed. The development of the system includes: the overall structure design, components and equipment selection, circuit construction, master control program, and so on. There are five main parts in the detection system: power module, reliability detection circuit module, communication interface and signal acquisition device, main control computer. According to the detection requirements of industrial frequency converter, the detection function can be divided into 12 functional modules, including structural detection and functional detection: short circuit detection, diode detection, resistance detection, main chip power supply, output voltage detection, communication circuit, Digital analog detection, UART detection, FAN detection, relay detection, PWM signal detection, CAN detection. The system can meet the need of automatic and fast alignment between the detecting device and the frequency converter to be tested, and transmit the digital and analog signal with it, communicate with 485 communication protocol, run the reliability detection program, and conduct man-machine interaction. Finally, the reliability test report is given. The system uses the LabView software development platform, which has a graphical software development environment, all the content is expressed by icons, lines and other intuitive ways. The software interface consists of the front panel and the program panel. All the controls in the front panel become the running interface of the software directly. The control of the front panel directly corresponds to the data of the program panel. In addition, the data acquisition card based on PCI bus has good support for LabView development environment, which brings great convenience to the combination of detection program and hardware detection device. By means of bus communication, signal generation and acquisition, logic judgment and other functions, the reliability detection of industrial frequency converter is completed. The system provides the operator with a simple man-machine interface, which enables the operator to complete the detection of the industrial inverter in 30 seconds. The system ensures the technical performance of the industrial inverter and the reliability of the inverter at the same time. Comprehensive reflection of the quality of industrial production frequency converter.


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