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发布时间:2018-10-31 16:09
[Abstract]:A common-mode equivalent circuit model with distributed parameters is proposed to calculate the bearing current of variable-frequency motor. The distributed impedance characteristics of motor windings are taken into account in the model. In addition, the key parameters in the common-mode equivalent circuit are calculated by analytical method and finite element method. Based on this, the impedance separation method is proposed to determine the key parasitic parameters in the common-mode equivalent circuit with distributed parameters. This method takes into account the change of insulating material properties after motor running for a certain period, which makes the parameter determination more accurate. Based on this method, the frequency domain characteristics of the key parasitic parameters in the motor are obtained. In this paper, the simulation model of bearing current based on the equivalent circuit of distributed parameters is built, and the prediction of bearing current is realized by using the key parameters measured. Finally, the bearing current experimental platform is built, and the bearing current and shaft voltage are measured. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which proves the rationality of the common mode equivalent circuit and the impedance separation method proposed in this paper.
【作者单位】: 沈阳工业大学现代电工装备理论与共性技术重点实验室;沈阳工业大学教育部特种电机与高压电器省部共建重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51277122) 教育部创新团队项目(IRT1072) 教育部博士点基金(20122102130001)


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