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发布时间:2018-11-02 19:58
[Abstract]:The international thermal power project is a high-risk project, which is mainly reflected in the uncertainty and the risk that may affect the realization of the profit goal of the project when the company contracts a large international project independently or in the form of a consortium. Shanghai Electric Group is a joint venture between multinational companies and domestic enterprises. It has the technical and management requirements of some international engineering projects. However, the Shanghai Electric Group was initially established for customers in the domestic electricity market. Most of them are Chinese employees, and they begin to focus only on factory manufacturing. They lack the ability to set up international engineering project risk management mechanism and knowledge system in terms of the overall process and operation of the project. At present, Shanghai Electric Group still lacks the awareness of risk management and professional personnel, and can not effectively identify, analyze, and formulate corresponding measures for project risk management. Project risk management only depends on the experience and awareness of project personnel. Due to the lack of professional risk management, there are serious deviations in some project areas, and the implementation of the project is greatly affected, which delays the progress of the project and results in the project funding exceeding the budget. Therefore, how to manage the project risk is a major problem. On the basis of modern risk management theory, according to the characteristics of international thermal power station project, this paper analyzes the risk source of Guangning project, and puts forward a method of risk analysis, qualitative and quantitative evaluation suitable for Guangning thermal power station project. At the same time, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the typical risks and preventive measures of thermal power plant projects, and applies the fuzzy comprehensive assessment method to risk analysis and demonstration, combined with the project risk case of Vietnam. In addition, this article has carried on the preliminary discussion and the analysis to the consummation systematic risk management mechanism. Only by grasping the characteristics of risk and actively using systematic management means or tools can risk management be carried out effectively. Risk management should create value, which is the most basic principle of risk management. The main purpose of this paper is to integrate this value concept into risk management activities.


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