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发布时间:2018-11-03 08:28
[Abstract]:In modern industrial production, motor as the main operating parts, its normal work directly related to the quality of the whole industrial production. Rotor unbalance fault is a common type of motor fault, which is not easy to detect and has great harm. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and practical economic value to study the rotor unbalance fault diagnosis technology in order to diagnose the rotor unbalance fault in the early stage and to prevent the further deterioration of the unbalanced fault. In this paper, the development of rotor unbalance fault diagnosis and the research status of vibration analysis methods are first described in this paper. The method of Hilbert-Huang transform includes two processes: empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectrum analysis. EMD can deal with nonlinear and non-nonlinear faults. Smooth signals are decomposed very well, To obtain the expected eigenmode function (IMF); By Hilbert transform of IMF, the spectrum and marginal spectrum of the signal can be obtained, and then the unbalanced fault signal of rotor can be analyzed. Secondly, aiming at the endpoint effect of Hilbert-Huang transform in the process of signal empirical mode decomposition, based on the research of the traditional method of suppressing the end point effect, An improved endpoint continuation method based on image extension and support vector regression machine is proposed. The improved method first uses the support vector regression machine to predict the extreme point data sequence of the original signal, and then uses the image continuation method to determine the location of the predicted extremum point. It solves the problems of inaccurate prediction of long data series by support vector regression machine and poor processing effect of image continuation method for short data sequences whose endpoints are not extreme points. The qualitative comparison between the improved method and the traditional endpoint continuation method is carried out through simulation experiments. The results show that the improved method can suppress the endpoint effect generated by the empirical mode decomposition (EMD). Then, the improved Hilbert-Huang transform method is used to diagnose and analyze the unbalanced fault of the motor rotor, and the characteristics of the unbalanced fault signal can be extracted from the obtained IMF diagram and the Hilbert marginal spectrum. Finally, combined with the improved method of Hilbert-Huang transform proposed in this paper, a fault diagnosis system for rotor unbalance of motor based on LabVIEW is designed. Through experimental analysis, the system can effectively diagnose the unbalanced fault of motor rotor.


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