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发布时间:2018-11-04 13:18
【摘要】:为提高电力系统的小干扰稳定性,研究了阻尼控制器之间的协调优化策略,以选定的待改善模式为目标模式,采用模式追踪技术,以目标模式阻尼比最大化为优化目标建立优化模型,采用一种基于云模型理论的改进模拟植物生长算法(plant growth simulation algorithm,PGSA)对阻尼控制器参数进行协调优化。该算法通过改进搜索步长和迭代中加入云模型理论来提高算法的搜索效率和收敛速度,并且克服了常规PGSA算法无法适用于连续函数优化的缺点。进一步,基于大规模电网算例,分别以局部和区域间的低频振荡模式为目标模式进行参数优化,仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性。
[Abstract]:In order to improve the stability of power system with small disturbance, the coordination and optimization strategy between damping controllers is studied. The target mode is selected to be improved, and the mode tracing technique is adopted. The optimization model is established with the objective of maximizing the damping ratio of the target mode. An improved plant growth simulation algorithm (plant growth simulation algorithm,PGSA) based on cloud model theory is used to coordinate and optimize the parameters of the damping controller. The algorithm improves the search efficiency and convergence speed by improving the search step size and adding cloud model theory into the iteration, and overcomes the shortcoming that the conventional PGSA algorithm can not be applied to continuous function optimization. Furthermore, based on the large scale power network examples, the local and regional low frequency oscillation modes are used as the target modes to optimize the parameters, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学电气工程学院;华中电力调控分中心;


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