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发布时间:2018-11-06 11:58
[Abstract]:With the development of variable pole speed regulation technology, variable pole speed regulation technology has been widely used in energy saving transformation of high voltage motor. In the north power plant, the circulating pump is wasted because of the seasonal temperature difference. In this paper, the working principle of the opposite wet pit mixed flow pump is studied, starting with the speed regulation of the circulating pump motor, on the basis of the careful study of five AC speed regulation schemes, such as pole-changing and frequency conversion, and combining with the working characteristics of the circulating pump, the paper makes a technical analysis of the five schemes. After comparing the cost, construction and energy-saving effect, the paper focuses on the pole-changing speed regulation of circulating pump motor. In this paper, three kinds of variable pole speed control schemes of three circuit breakers, single circuit breakers and local switching, single circuit breakers are studied. At the same time, the maloperation of differential current protection and the electromagnetic noise of the motor are analyzed during the transformation of high voltage motor in the process of pole changing because of the change of winding connection mode, and the corresponding countermeasures are worked out. In the case of double speed transformation of circulating pump motor in Jinqiao Thermal Power Plant, the necessity of adopting variable pole speed regulation for circulating pump is analyzed from the actual situation of our factory. After analyzing and comparing, the speed regulation control mode of single circuit breaker is selected. Combined with the characteristic curve of pipeline and the performance curve of pump, the speed and pole number of motor's double speed transformation are determined. It is discussed that the variable pole speed regulation is more suitable for circulating pump than frequency conversion speed regulation, and the setting value of high and low speed motor is calculated. Through the operation optimization of the cold end of steam turbine, the operation strategy of the two-speed motor is worked out, and the field operation test of the two-speed motor is carried out, and the 6kV grade motor pole-changing speed regulating system is developed successfully. The system is reliable and stable, and the economic benefit is remarkable.


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