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发布时间:2018-11-09 15:05
[Abstract]:The anodic thermal process of vacuum interrupter has an important effect on the breaking capacity of vacuum circuit breaker. The previous theoretical analysis mostly focused on pure metal without considering the effect of alloy on the evaporation process of anode. In order to study the anodic thermal process of Cu-Cr alloy in vacuum arc and the effect of alloy evaporation, based on the existing models of pure copper anode thermal process, a calculation method for melting solidification and evaporation process of Cu-Cr alloy contact is proposed. The results show that there are two modes of temperature attenuation in back-arc anode. Mode one is the mode of smooth decrease of temperature, which corresponds to the low current diffusion arc. In mode 2, there is a "horizontal section" in the process of temperature decline. The "horizontal" duration is positively correlated with the amplitude of the injected anode heat flux corresponding to the high current aggregated vacuum arc. For the copper-chromium alloy contacts with different chromium content, the law of anodic thermal process behind the arc is as follows: anodic temperature, CuCr50CuCr25Cu, anodic temperature attenuation rate, anodic vapor pressure (CrCuCr75CuCr50CuCr25Cu,) at zero crossing time of CuCr50CuCr25Cu, current and the minimum volume of the complete melting zone when the mass fraction of Cr is 25.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室;


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