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发布时间:2018-11-11 15:19
【摘要】:配电网是整个电力系统最末端的环节,直接面向用户,是保证供电质量、提高电网运行效率、创新用户服务的关键环节,其中的任何故障、电能质量扰动都会影响对用户的正常供电。而且配电网结构复杂、形式多变,又是整个电网系统中最容易发生故障的环节,据统计配网故障占全网故障90%以上,极大地影响了系统的供电可靠性和供电质量。随着自动化设备和通信技术的发展、新保护控制技术的出现以及对供电质量要求的提高,以自愈为特征的智能配电网是未来配电网发展的必然趋势。因此,研究智能配电网自愈控制技术,减少故障引起的停电次数与停电时间、提高供电可靠性,十分必要。 针对将来智能配电网对供电可靠性不断提高的发展需求,对智能配电网故障自愈技术进行了研究。首先对现有的配电网自愈情况进行总结,自愈控制的实现方法有三种:集中控制方式,分布式智能控制方式和集中—分布式智能协调控制方式,并分析了对应方法的优缺点。针对lOkV配电网,通过大量理论分析和多次现场实际调研,研究了基于广域测控系统、EPON无源开放式通信体系和分布式智能的故障识别与隔离保护控制技术,采用了集中—分布式智能协调控制方式实现故障识别与隔离,设计了一套针对1OkV配电网馈线的故障快速隔离控制方案,通过分析故障过流信息实现与变电站出线保护相配合的故障快速隔离、供电恢复等功能。根据实际的调研情况,发现了异地两点接地短路问题和变电站馈线出口至馈线首个智能终端间故障死区问题,结合现有的故障隔离控制技术和馈线结构,提出了具体的解决方案和实现方法。并在静模实验平台上对上述故障隔离控制方法进行试验,在试验结果满足规定和要求的情况下,在X市选取4条10kV馈线作为实施线路,建设示范应用工程,把故障识别与隔离保护控制技术应用在实际配电网中。通过实际应用工程的验证,基于广域信息的10kV配电网故障快速识别与隔离控制技术能够有效地提高系统的供电可靠性和电能质量,减少用户的停电损失。
[Abstract]:Distribution network is the end of the whole power system, directly facing users, is the key link to ensure the quality of power supply, improve the efficiency of grid operation, and innovate customer service. Power quality disturbance will affect the normal power supply to users. And the distribution network structure is complex, the form is changeable, and it is the most prone to fault in the whole power system. According to statistics, the distribution network fault accounts for more than 90% of the whole network fault, which greatly affects the power supply reliability and power supply quality of the system. With the development of automation equipment and communication technology, the emergence of new protection and control technology and the improvement of power supply quality, the intelligent distribution network characterized by self-healing is the inevitable trend of distribution network development in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to study the self-healing control technology of intelligent distribution network, reduce the number and time of power outages caused by faults, and improve the reliability of power supply. In order to improve the reliability of power supply in smart distribution network, the fault self-healing technology of smart distribution network is studied in this paper. Firstly, the existing self-healing situation of distribution network is summarized. There are three methods to realize self-healing control: centralized control, distributed intelligent control and centralized distributed intelligent coordinated control, and the advantages and disadvantages of the corresponding methods are analyzed. In view of lOkV distribution network, through a lot of theoretical analysis and field investigation, the technology of fault identification and isolation protection control based on wide area measurement and control system, EPON passive open communication system and distributed intelligence is studied. The centralized distributed intelligent coordinated control method is adopted to realize fault identification and isolation. A fast fault isolation control scheme for feeder of 1OkV distribution network is designed. By analyzing the information of fault overcurrent, the functions of fault isolation and power supply recovery are realized. According to the actual investigation, the problem of fault dead zone between the feeder outlet of substation and the first intelligent terminal of feeder is found, combined with the existing fault isolation control technology and feeder structure. The concrete solution and implementation method are put forward. The above fault isolation control methods are tested on the static model experiment platform. Under the condition that the test results meet the requirements and regulations, four 10kV feeder lines are selected as the implementation lines in X City, and the demonstration application project is built. The fault identification and isolation protection control technology is applied in the actual distribution network. Through the verification of practical application engineering, the fast fault identification and isolation control technology of 10kV distribution network based on wide area information can effectively improve the power supply reliability and power quality of the system, and reduce the power loss of users.


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