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发布时间:2018-11-17 14:36
【摘要】:随着生产技术的发展电能已被广泛应用到社会生产和生活的各个方面。作为评估电能质量好坏的电压测量工具——电压监测仪的精准度直接决定着电压测量结果。因此,对于电压的准确测量,不仅可以提高电能计量水平,也能促进能源工业的进步,推动国民经济的发展。随着我国通信技术的不断发展,电压监测仪技术也取得了不断进步,设计生产的电压质量监测仪,满足了电力部门对电压质量的监测、管理需要。但是,随着电压监测仪的广泛应用,需要定期对电压监测仪进行校验,以确保电压监测仪的监测数据的精准度。然而,传统的校验方法要求校验人员到现场对电压监测仪进行校验。但是,随着电压监测仪使用量的增加,校验周期短,校验人员工作量也随之增大,可能出现电压监测仪得不到及时校验的情况,这就会出现供电部门无法得到真实的供电电压信息,使电力部门无法实现对电能的实时调度,也影响了用户的正常用电。本课题的研究是在已有技术基础上,深入研究电压检测仪的校验控制模式及方法对校验电压监测仪的影响,进一步探索单相电压监测仪校验平台,提出了该校验方法,从而促进电压监测仪校验技术的系统化、产业化,推动电压监测仪校验水平的提高。本课题主要研究了高稳定度电压源的实现问题,重点研究基于FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)技术的直接数字频率合成(Direct Digital Synthesis, DDS)技术产生正弦波的方法及电路的具体实现,采用数字方法实现正弦波幅度、频率和相位的可调,同时对功率放大电路进行了具体研究。本设计是基于直接数字频率合成技术,结合课题研究成果,研制精度为0.05级单相电压源:本文是以基于FPGA控制器的硬件为基础产生高性能、高精度的正弦信号,通过对正弦信号进行功率放大得到高精度的标准电压源。当需要对电压监测仪进行校验时,由控制中心发送校验命令,GPRS/GSM通讯模块接收校验指令,并将该指令发送给FPGA控制器,此时,控制器将发送校验指令,控制切换模块将电压监测仪接入的市电切换到标准源电压源上,从而实现对电压监测仪的远程校验。
[Abstract]:With the development of production technology, electric energy has been widely used in all aspects of social production and life. The accuracy of voltage monitor, as a voltage measuring tool for evaluating power quality, directly determines the voltage measurement results. Therefore, the accurate measurement of voltage can not only improve the level of electric energy measurement, but also promote the progress of energy industry and promote the development of national economy. With the development of communication technology in China, the technology of voltage monitor has made continuous progress. The design and production of voltage quality monitor can meet the needs of the power department to monitor and manage the voltage quality. However, with the wide application of the voltage monitor, it is necessary to check the voltage monitor regularly to ensure the accuracy of the monitoring data of the voltage monitor. However, the traditional calibration method requires the calibrator to check the voltage monitor in the field. However, with the increase of the usage of voltage monitor, the check period is short, and the workload of the calibrator increases, which may lead to the situation that the voltage monitor cannot be calibrated in time. This will lead to the power supply department can not get the true power supply voltage information, make the power department can not achieve real-time power scheduling, but also affect the normal users of electricity. The research of this subject is based on the existing technology, deeply studying the effect of the calibration control mode and method of the voltage detector on the calibration voltage monitor, further exploring the verification platform of the single-phase voltage monitor, and putting forward the calibration method. Thus, it promotes the systematization and industrialization of the calibration technology of the voltage monitor, and promotes the improvement of the calibration level of the voltage monitor. In this paper, the realization of high stability voltage source is studied, and the method and circuit realization of direct digital frequency synthesizer (Direct Digital Synthesis, DDS) based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology to generate sinusoidal wave are studied. The sinusoidal amplitude, frequency and phase can be adjusted by digital method, and the power amplifier circuit is studied in detail. This design is based on the direct digital frequency synthesis technology, combined with the research results of the subject, the precision of the single phase voltage source is 0.05. This paper is based on the hardware of FPGA controller to produce high performance and high precision sinusoidal signal. High precision standard voltage source is obtained by power amplification of sinusoidal signal. When it is necessary to check the voltage monitor, the control center sends the check command, and the GPRS/GSM communication module receives the check command and sends the instruction to the FPGA controller. At this time, the controller will send the check instruction. The control switch module switches the electric power connected to the voltage monitor to the standard source voltage source, which realizes the remote calibration of the voltage monitor.


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