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发布时间:2018-11-18 10:22
[Abstract]:Solar energy, as a new energy source, has been planned by many countries to be used as the core energy for future production and life. The development of solar photovoltaic power generation industry in China is still in the initial stage. Has been looking for a reasonable way to promote the development of the entire industry. Photovoltaic power generation is a highly dependent industry on supporting policies. Before 2011, China has not formulated a price policy to subsidize the cost of photovoltaic power generation. Instead, it has adopted the form of project bidding to determine the contractors. In 2013, China introduced a series of policies to promote the healthy development of photovoltaic power generation industry. For example, the implementation of sub-regional benchmarking price policy, according to the scale of photovoltaic power generation, cost and other factors changes and adjustments, gradually reduce electricity prices and adjust the subsidy standards. This marks the rapid development of photovoltaic power generation industry in China. In this paper, the discovery status of photovoltaic power generation system is analyzed, the factors restricting the development of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system in China are analyzed, and the critical photovoltaic electricity price which can protect the interests of investors is estimated by using the net present value model. Then, according to the learning curve model, the technological progress rate of photovoltaic is fitted, and the technology progress rate is introduced into the net present value model of photovoltaic Internet price, and the decreasing photovoltaic grid price curve is obtained year by year. Taking the Zoucheng Hydropower Station as a case, this paper uses the above models and methods to determine the scientific and reasonable electricity price, which can provide reference and reference for our government and other places to issue the detailed rules of photovoltaic electricity price and supplementary subsidy policy. In order to improve China's photovoltaic electricity price policy put forward countermeasures and suggestions.


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