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发布时间:2018-11-20 05:43
【摘要】:到目前为止,LED(Light Emitting Diode)光源是与我们日常生活极其密不可分的优质光源,其不但具有安全环保、能耗低、发光效率高和体积小等特点,而且与其他光源譬如白炽灯等光源相比,还具有长寿命、响应速度快和功耗低等的优点。LED已经取代传统的白炽灯、卤素灯、日光灯等光源,成为第四代新光源。同时,在国务院颁布的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》中着重强调,我国要将高效节能、长寿命的半导体照明产品作为发展国民经济的优先发展主题。本论文主要设计了一种基于LLC(谐振电容Cr、谐振电感Lr和励磁Lp简写)谐振低功耗LED控制器及系统。通过对该控制器系统的外围电路进行设计,可以驱动一路及其他多路LED灯串。本控制电路设计内部电压为3.3V,具有模拟调光和PWM数字调光控制功能。同时电路采用无损耗电流平衡技术与LED精确亮度调光技术,使该控制器具有广泛的应用前景。本文首先介绍了LED的国内外发展动态和几种常用的LED控制电路的拓扑及技术特点,并给出几种控制电路的优缺点。然后对LLC谐振电路的相关知识进行梳理,主要介绍了几种常用控制模式及LLC控制模式的关键技术。最后结合相关知识,研究并设计出一款基于LLC谐振低功耗LED控制器及系统。本文详述了该控制器中的部分子模块电路的工作原路及在电路中的作用,主要分析了电压限制电路BUFFER、2.5V-REF电路、PWM信号调节电路DIM_PRO、软启动电路、精确亮度调光电路等,并采用HSPICE仿真软件验证相关模块的功能。最后,采用HHNEC 0.35 mm BCD工艺,对控制器及系统的整体电路功能进行仿真,主要验证了所设计的低功耗LED控制器及系统的模拟调光和PWM数字调光等功能,测试控制器及系统的工作性能,对产生的问题进行分析,查找出系统出现不理想问题的原因,对系统进行优化,使控制器及系统的总体性能能够满足设计要求。
[Abstract]:Up to now, LED (Light Emitting Diode) light source is closely related to our daily life. It not only has the characteristics of safety and environmental protection, low energy consumption, high luminous efficiency and small size, etc. Compared with other light sources, such as incandescent lamp, LED has the advantages of long life, fast response and low power consumption. LED has replaced the traditional incandescent lamp, halogen lamp and fluorescent lamp as the fourth generation new light source. At the same time, in the outline of the National medium and long term Science and Technology Development Plan promulgated by the State Council, it is emphasized that the semiconductor lighting products with high efficiency, energy saving and long life should be regarded as the priority development theme for the development of the national economy in China. In this paper, a low power LED controller based on LLC (resonant capacitor Cr, resonant inductor Lr and excitation Lp) is designed. By designing the peripheral circuit of the controller system, we can drive one way and other multi-channel LED lamp strings. The designed internal voltage of the control circuit is 3.3 V, which has the functions of analog dimming and PWM digital dimming. At the same time, the circuit adopts lossless current balance technology and LED precise brightness dimming technology, which makes the controller have a wide application prospect. This paper first introduces the development of LED at home and abroad and the topology and technical characteristics of several commonly used LED control circuits, and gives the advantages and disadvantages of several control circuits. Then the related knowledge of LLC resonant circuit is combed, and several common control modes and key technologies of LLC control mode are mainly introduced. Finally, a low power LED controller and system based on LLC resonance is studied and designed. In this paper, the working circuit and function of some sub-module circuits in the controller are described in detail. The BUFFER,2.5V-REF circuit of voltage limiting circuit and the DIM_PRO, soft start circuit of PWM signal regulation circuit are mainly analyzed. The precise luminance dimming circuit is used to verify the function of the related module with HSPICE simulation software. Finally, the overall circuit functions of the controller and the system are simulated by using HHNEC 0.35 mm BCD technology. The designed low power LED controller and its analog dimming and PWM digital dimming functions are mainly verified. Test the working performance of the controller and the system, analyze the problems, find out the cause of the unsatisfactory problem, optimize the system, make the overall performance of the controller and system meet the design requirements.


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