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发布时间:2018-11-22 09:25
【摘要】:近年来,国内外学者对交流带电覆冰做了较多的研究,但就直流电压下带电覆冰特性及其闪络特性的影响研究较少。本文在人工气候室模拟自然覆冰条件,对35k V复合绝缘子进行了不带电及10k V、20k V、30k V交流、正极性直流、负极性直流电压作用下的雨凇覆冰试验,对比了不同电压类型下,绝缘子的覆冰及其闪络特性的差异,分析了电压类型对其影响的机理,并提出了合理的解释。试验结果表明:不同类型电压作用下,绝缘子的覆冰及其闪络特性存在较大的差异,负极性直流电压作用下的伞裙冰棱内部气泡较交流、正极性直流要大;交、直流电压作用下,绝缘子冰棱密度均随电压升高呈持续下降趋势;外施电压升高到一定程度时,负极性直流电压作用下的绝缘子冰重随电压升高而下降速度最快;负极性直流电压作用下的覆冰绝缘子的直流冰闪电压最低。
[Abstract]:In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on AC charged icing, but the influence of DC voltage on the characteristics of charged icing and its flashover characteristics is less studied. In this paper, the natural icing conditions of 35 kV composite insulators are simulated in an artificial climate chamber, and the rime icing tests of 35kV composite insulators are carried out under the action of non-charged and 10kV / 20kV AC, positive DC and negative DC voltages. The differences of icing and flashover characteristics of insulators under different voltage types are compared. The influence mechanism of voltage types on insulators is analyzed and a reasonable explanation is given. The experimental results show that there are great differences in the icing and flashover characteristics of insulators under different types of voltages, and the inner bubbles in the ice edge of the umbrella skirt under the action of negative DC voltage are larger than those in the AC, and the positive DC is larger. Under the action of AC and DC voltage, the ice edge density of insulator decreases continuously with the increase of voltage, and when the applied voltage rises to a certain extent, the ice weight of insulator decreases fastest with the increase of voltage. The DC ice lightning voltage of icing insulator is the lowest under the action of negative DC voltage.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2009CB724502) 国家自然科学基金(51177179)资助项目


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