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发布时间:2018-11-25 14:44
[Abstract]:The development of UHV power network needs to achieve many important technical breakthroughs, many problems are rooted in the UHV AC transmission line unit length charge power of 5001 (V EHV AC transmission line 4-5 times of the line). Long distance UHV transmission lines need to install high compensation reactor to limit power frequency overvoltage and operating overvoltage. When the transmission system operates under heavy load, the high compensation shunt reactor brings a large reactive power burden to the transmission capacity of UHV transmission lines, and the economic burden of the power network operation is increased. Installing controllable high reactance in UHV power grid can solve the above problems to some extent. As an important equipment in UHV transmission lines, controllable high reactance (THR) can reduce active power loss, compensate line capacitance effect, suppress overvoltage and resonant overvoltage, reduce potential supply current and restore voltage. The effect of improving the success rate of line reclosing. Compared with the traditional fixed high reactance, the controllable high reactance can adjust its own capacity output reactive power according to the transmission power of the transmission line, react quickly to the fluctuation of the power network caused by the fault and so on, and can balance the reactive power of the UHV power network system. Improve the transmission capacity and reliability of the grid, while reducing the economic burden of the grid operation. In this paper, the research status of controllable high reactance is introduced, the structure and principle of hierarchical controllable parallel connection are studied, and the working mode of controllable high reactance is explained by analyzing the characteristics of UHV power transmission system in detail. The formula for calculating reactive power capacity of controllable high reactance is given. The characteristics of high response speed, high precision and high reliability are summarized. It is pointed out that graded controllable high reactance will be one of the main choices of reactive power compensation for UHV transmission lines. Combined with the grid structure of East China Power Grid, the model of East China UHV power network is built in PSCAD software to verify the working principle and working process of hierarchical controllable high reactance, and to analyze the effect of controllable high reactance in suppressing power frequency overvoltage and potential supply current. On the basis of this, the data of East China Grid is analyzed and the appropriate compensation method and control strategy are selected.


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