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发布时间:2018-12-06 09:00
[Abstract]:Under the platform of large power grid, it is an important way to reduce the peak-shaving pressure of China's power grid by optimizing the allocation of resources to multiple power grids by using high-quality power sources. Because a single power station or even a unit usually takes on the task of transmitting power to several provincial networks, and is constrained by different provincial (municipal) power grid loads, and so on, it is very difficult for the power station to respond to the demand of multi-grid load regulation at the same time. Under the background of East China Power Grid, three methods of power distribution between power stations with peak-shaving as the control target are proposed. The first two methods establish different quadratic programming models based on the strategy of unified evaluation and peak-valley segment evaluation of the residual load of power network. In method 3, the relative ranking strategy of load is introduced, and the magnitude of load in the load sequence is taken as the heuristic information, and the load distribution is carried out. The simulated dispatching of direct-shunting power stations in East China Power Grid shows that all the three methods can effectively solve the problem of power generation distribution between power systems and give satisfactory peak-shaving results for multi-grid.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学;国家电网华东电力调控分中心;
【基金】:国家杰出青年基金(51025934) 国家自然科学基金项目(51209031) 中国博士后科学基金(2013T60284,2012M520626)~~


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