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发布时间:2018-12-07 07:53
【摘要】:传统电力系统状态微分模型可用端口哈密尔顿(Port-Hamilton)理论描述,但该模型在建立时并未考虑转移电导的作用,这对于暂态稳定性的判定及暂态响应的计算有一定的影响,为此建立了伪广义哈密尔顿(Pseudo-generalized Hamilton)模型,其微分方程相对于传统哈密尔顿方程多了一项由状态变量表示的附加项,传统控制方法难以保证其渐近稳定。为了考虑转移电导的作用,本文采用求多元函数积分原函数的方法,将伪广义哈密尔顿方程的附加项表示为一个函数关于状态变量的偏导数,与传统的哈密尔顿实现相结合,利用阻尼注入的思想可实现系统在无扰动情况下的渐近稳定控制。在此基础上,考虑当电力系统出现故障或结构发生变化时,系统的参数会出现扰动,平衡运行点会发生偏移,因此需针对电力系统中可能出现的扰动问题进行控制器设计,对应于系统的哈密尔顿实现模型为状态微分方程中增加了扰动项。当扰动参数已知时,通过配方的方法得出关于哈密尔顿能量函数的γ耗散不等式的形式,进而求得控制率;当扰动参数未知时,需引入预估向量,同样以γ耗散不等式为基础,构建出形成γ耗散不等式的条件方程,推导出带有预估向量的控制率,同时预估向量可用已知参量和加权矩阵元素值表示,通过调节每个励磁控制率的加权矩阵可实现系统的自适应稳定控制。与未考虑转移电导时的情况相比,当系统没有扰动时本文提出的方法可以使系统暂态响应的状态变量曲线的超调量明显减小,过渡过程时间显著缩短。与前人提出的伪广义哈密尔顿模型控制算法相比,本算法仅含有阻尼注入部分,省略了一项补偿项,这使得表达式更为简单。当建立扰动参数已知的哈密尔顿实现模型时,设计的二阶扰动抑制控制器可使暂态不稳定的系统趋于稳定;当扰动参数未知时,该控制器可使系统故障后的状态曲线超调量减小,并以更快的速度达到稳定状态。最后,在Matlab软件平台上,对3机系统和单机无穷大系统进行了仿真,验证了本文方法的正确性和控制策略的可行性。
[Abstract]:The traditional power system state differential model can be described by port Port-Hamilton theory, but the transfer conductance is not considered when the model is established, which has a certain influence on the determination of transient stability and the calculation of transient response. In this paper, a pseudo generalized Hamiltonian (Pseudo-generalized Hamilton) model is established. Compared with the traditional Hamiltonian equation, the differential equation has an additional term represented by state variables, and the traditional control method is difficult to guarantee its asymptotic stability. In order to consider the effect of transfer conductance, the addition term of pseudo generalized Hamiltonian equation is expressed as a partial derivative of a function with respect to state variables by using the method of finding the original function of multivariate function integral, which is combined with the traditional Hamiltonian realization. The idea of damping injection can be used to realize the asymptotically stable control of the system without disturbance. On this basis, it is considered that the parameters of the power system will be disturbed and the equilibrium operating point will be offset when the power system fails or the structure changes, so it is necessary to design the controller for the disturbance problem that may occur in the power system. The Hamiltonian realization model for the system adds perturbed terms to the state differential equation. When the perturbation parameters are known, the form of 纬 -dissipation inequality about Hamiltonian energy function is obtained by the formula method, and the control rate is obtained. When the disturbance parameter is unknown, the prediction vector should be introduced. On the basis of 纬 -dissipation inequality, the conditional equation of 纬 -dissipation inequality is constructed, and the control rate with prediction vector is derived. At the same time, the predictor vector can be represented by known parameters and the element values of the weighting matrix. The adaptive stability control of the system can be realized by adjusting the weighting matrix of each excitation control rate. Compared with the case without considering the transfer conductance, the method proposed in this paper can significantly reduce the overshoot of the state variable curve of the transient response of the system and shorten the transition process time when the system has no disturbance. Compared with the pseudo generalized Hamiltonian model control algorithm, this algorithm contains only damping injection and omits a compensation term, which makes the expression simpler. When the Hamiltonian realization model with known disturbance parameters is established, the designed second-order disturbance suppression controller can make the transient unstable system tend to be stable. When the disturbance parameters are unknown, the controller can reduce the overshoot of the state curve after the system failure and reach the stable state at a faster speed. Finally, the simulation of 3-machine system and single-machine infinite bus system is carried out on the Matlab software platform, which verifies the correctness of the method and the feasibility of the control strategy.


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