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发布时间:2018-12-09 13:03
【摘要】:GIS(气体绝缘金属封闭式组合电器)的广泛使用,解决了很多传统开放式电站不能解决的问题,但是由于GIS故障定位难度较大,因此如何能快速、高效的找出故障点来保障GIS的正常运行成了现在最为关注的问题。论文主要研制了局部放电声电检测系统,并对GIS内部典型缺陷局部放电进行定位。 论文首先搭建了GIS局部放电的模拟实验平台,选择了固定微粒缺陷、自由微粒缺陷和悬浮电位放电三种缺陷模型。通过对这三种典型缺陷局部放电超声信号和电信号的频域特性分析,发现局部放电超声信号的能量主要分布在0-25kHz和50kHz~75kHz,电信号的能量主要分布在40MHz以下。以此为基础,来设计声、电传感器的带宽,来提高检测系统的信噪比。设计的声电检测系统主要由超声波信号检测系统和电信号检测系统两部分组成:超声波信号检测系统采用的30kHz和50kHz两种中心频率的谐振式超声传感器,配合宽频带前置放大器对超声信号进行检测;电信号检测系统采用了自行设计23MHz和40MHz两种带宽的Rogowski线圈配合电信号放大器来检测脉冲电流信号。检测到的声电信号经高速采集卡采集传输至计算机中,通过自行开发的软件进行数据处理,软件包含了对参数可调的带通滤波器的设计。 根据设计的声电检测系统,论文对GIS局部放电定位原理和方法进行了研究,并通过实验室中的模拟GIS对典型缺陷局部放电进行定位研究。 声电检测系统通过检测到的声电信号时延来计算超声传感器到局部放电源的直线距离,但是考虑到GIS的同轴结构,论文采用平分面法进行定位。该方法主要是以一个Rogowski线圈检测到的电信号为基准,通过比较两个超声传感器检测到的信号时延来判断信号源的位置,最后在一条直线上对信号源进行线性定位。相对于传统单类型传感器的定位,通过该声电检测系统可以高效准确的对局部放电进行定位,并且结合电信号检测的灵敏度和超声检测的抗电磁干扰能力,提高了GIS局部放电的检测水平,并对单一干扰源有一定的抗干扰能力。
[Abstract]:The wide use of GIS (Gas Insulated Metal enclosed Combinator) has solved many problems that can not be solved by traditional open power station. However, because of the difficulty of GIS fault location, how can it be quickly, Finding fault points efficiently to ensure the normal operation of GIS has become the most concerned issue. In this paper, the acoustic and electrical detection system of partial discharge is developed, and the partial discharge of typical defects in GIS is located. Firstly, a simulation experiment platform of GIS partial discharge is built, and three defect models, fixed particle defect, free particle defect and suspension potential discharge, are selected. By analyzing the frequency-domain characteristics of the three typical defect partial discharge ultrasonic signals and electrical signals, it is found that the energy of partial discharge ultrasonic signals is mainly distributed in 0-25kHz and 50kHz ~ (75) kHz, and the energy of electrical signals is mainly distributed below 40MHz. Based on this, the bandwidth of acoustic and electric sensors is designed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the detection system. The acoustoelectric detection system is mainly composed of ultrasonic signal detection system and electric signal detection system. The ultrasonic signal detection system adopts two resonant ultrasonic sensors with center frequency of 30kHz and 50kHz. The ultrasonic signal is detected with a broadband preamplifier. The signal detection system uses Rogowski coils with two kinds of bandwidth designed by ourselves, 23MHz and 40MHz, to detect the pulse current signal in combination with the electric signal amplifier. The detected acoustic signals are collected and transmitted to the computer by high-speed acquisition card. The software is developed to process the data. The software includes the design of the band-pass filter with adjustable parameters. Based on the design of the acoustic and electric detection system, the principle and method of partial discharge localization of GIS are studied, and the localization of typical defects is studied by simulated GIS in the laboratory. The acoustoelectric detection system calculates the straight line distance from the ultrasonic sensor to the local discharge power source by detecting the time delay of the acoustic signal, but considering the coaxial structure of GIS, this paper uses the flat plane method to locate. This method is mainly based on the signal detected by a Rogowski coil. The signal delay detected by two ultrasonic sensors is compared to determine the position of the signal source. Finally, a linear location of the signal source is carried out on a straight line. Compared with the traditional single-type sensor, the acoustic and electric detection system can efficiently and accurately locate partial discharge, and combine the sensitivity of electric signal detection with the anti-electromagnetic interference ability of ultrasonic detection. The detection level of partial discharge of GIS is improved, and the anti-jamming ability of single interference source is certain.


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