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发布时间:2018-12-09 20:51
【摘要】:信息化时代的一个重要标志,就是移动应用的迅猛发展。随着移动设备的不断推陈出新,新的移动应用的不断涌现,无线网络环境的日益改善,移动时代已经悄然来临。移动应用正在让人们的生活更加方便。从手机订票,到手机支付;从股市行情,到新闻摘要;从手机游戏,到手机视频;从手机购物,到手机交友。移动应用正在深刻影响着人们的生产生活方式,乃至思维方式。移动应用同样给企业发展带来新的机遇与活力。越来越多的企业正在将传统的系统转移到移动应用上来。这正是因为,移动应用可以让企业员工实时了解信息,快速完成业务流,从而提高企业员工的工作效率,为实现产业信息化发挥重要作用。而Android作为移动应用开发的主力,从诞生开始就受到广大开发人员的追捧,并被寄予厚望。实际上,现在Android应用占据着大份额的移动应用市场,而且每天都会有新的Android应用在移动市场上出现。电力产业是国家的支柱产业,是国家经济发展的重要推动力,是人们日常生产生活必不可少的重要能源。而电力系统是一个庞大而复杂的系统,要实现电力系统的高效稳定运行,需要在多个方面协同管理、整体优化。电力巡检作为电力系统中必不可少的一个重要环节,对于维持电力系统的稳定有着重要的意义。在电力巡检过程中,可以及时排除不安全用电的险情,从而保障人们的用电安全。另一方面,电力行业因为偷电窃电而造成的经济损失数以亿计,因此切实做好电力巡检可以减少电力企业的经济损失,有效打击经济犯罪,维持市场平衡。本系统设计依照电力企业的电力巡检要求,以Android平台为基础,融合数据库技术、.NET技术、服务器技术等多项技术,建立数据库-服务器-客户端三层结构的移动应用系统。整个系统设计中,以SQL Server数据库为数据中心,以Tomcat为服务端应用容器。在本Android应用中,主要完成条形码扫描、用电用户信息的查询、用户电费信息的查询、现场检查结果记录和相关证据的拍摄录像等功能。
[Abstract]:An important symbol of the information age is the rapid development of mobile applications. With the development of mobile devices, the emergence of new mobile applications and the improvement of wireless network environment, the mobile era has come quietly. Mobile apps are making people's lives easier. From mobile booking to mobile payment; from stock market quotes to news abstracts; from mobile games to mobile video; from mobile phone shopping to mobile phone dating. Mobile application is deeply affecting people's production and life style, and even the way of thinking. Mobile applications also bring new opportunities and vitality to the development of enterprises. More and more enterprises are shifting traditional systems to mobile applications. This is precisely because the mobile application can let the enterprise employee know the information in real time, complete the business flow quickly, thus improve the work efficiency of the enterprise employee, and play an important role in realizing the industry informatization. As the main force of mobile application development, Android has been sought after by many developers since its birth, and is expected to be high. In fact, Android apps now account for a large share of the mobile application market, and new Android apps appear in the mobile market every day. Electric power industry is the pillar industry of the country, the important driving force of the national economic development, and the essential energy of people's daily production and daily life. The power system is a large and complex system. In order to realize the efficient and stable operation of the power system, it is necessary to cooperate in many aspects and optimize the whole system. As an indispensable link in power system, power inspection is of great significance to maintain the stability of power system. In the process of electric power inspection, the dangerous situation of unsafe electricity can be eliminated in time, thus ensuring the safety of people's electricity consumption. On the other hand, the economic losses caused by stealing electricity in the electric power industry are hundreds of millions. Therefore, it can reduce the economic losses of electric power enterprises, effectively crack down on economic crimes and maintain market balance. This system is designed according to the electric power inspection request of the electric power enterprise, based on the Android platform, combining database technology, .NET technology, server technology and so on, the mobile application system with the three-layer structure of database, server and client is established. In the whole system design, SQL Server database is used as data center and Tomcat as server application container. In this Android application, the main functions are bar code scanning, user information query, user electricity information query, field inspection result recording and shooting and recording of relevant evidence, and so on.


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1 迟建;;全球资讯类移动增值业务产业链及业务模式研究分析[A];通信发展战略与管理创新学术研讨会论文集[C];2006年




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