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发布时间:2018-12-10 14:30
【摘要】:配电网络是现代化城市不可缺少的能源供应系统,它位于电力系统负荷中心,具有用电量大、负荷密度高,对安全可靠性和供电质量要求高等特点。随着时代的进步,人们对电力供电质量的要求不断提高,迫使供电企业必须提高精益化管理能力,提升工作效率,从而缩短停电事故抢修时间,不断提高电网设备安全可靠供电的能力。 由于电网设备、设施与地理空间位置具有天然联系,GIS作为获取、存储、分析和管理地理空间数据的重要工具、技术和手段,近年来在电力行业得到了广泛的关注和应用。本文通过对配电网抢修业务的研究,分析传统配电网抢修过程中的不足,设计以GIS为基础的新型配电网抢修指挥平台,建立全过程配电抢修体系。本论文重点针对配电网抢修指挥平台中故障研判的模块进行研究、设计与实现,研究利用配电网抢修指挥平台针对不同的配电网故障类型进行故障研判。在设计实现过程中,使用Java语言基于SG-UAP平台进行开发,充分利用电网GIS平台的拓扑分析技术和基于GIS的配网抢修图形展示技术,实现各类配电网故障的研判,以及故障信息和停电信息的图形展示,帮助指挥人员高效快速的确定故障点,指导现场抢修人员快速定位故障,处理故障,大大提高了电网抢修效率,缩短了故障处理时间,提升了客户满意度。
[Abstract]:Distribution network is an indispensable energy supply system in modern cities. It is located in the load center of power system. It has the characteristics of high power consumption, high load density, high requirements for safety, reliability and quality of power supply. With the progress of the times, the demand for power supply quality has been raised constantly, which forces the power supply enterprises to improve their lean management ability and work efficiency, thus shortening the repair time of power outages. Continuously improve the power grid equipment safety and reliable power supply capacity. Because of the natural relationship between power grid equipment, facilities and geographical location, GIS, as an important tool, technology and means to obtain, store, analyze and manage geospatial data, has been widely concerned and applied in the power industry in recent years. Based on the research of distribution network emergency repair service, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional distribution network emergency repair process, designs a new distribution network emergency repair command platform based on GIS, and establishes the whole process distribution rush repair system. This paper focuses on the research, design and implementation of the fault identification module in the distribution network emergency repair command platform, and studies the use of the distribution network emergency repair command platform for different distribution network fault types. In the process of design and implementation, we use Java language to develop based on SG-UAP platform, make full use of topology analysis technology of GIS platform and graphic display technology of distribution network repair based on GIS, and realize the research and judgment of all kinds of distribution network faults. And the graphic display of fault information and blackout information helps the commanding personnel to determine the fault point efficiently and quickly, to guide the field repair personnel to locate the fault quickly, to deal with the fault, to greatly improve the efficiency of the power grid emergency repair, and to shorten the fault processing time. Improved customer satisfaction.


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