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发布时间:2018-12-12 05:34
【摘要】:数字示波器是电子测量领域最为常见的一种检测工具,为科研人员和工程技术人员广泛使用。得益于科技不停地发展,各种电子设备朝着小型化、精密化迅猛发展,信号的频率的增长令信号完整性对电子设备正常运行的影响越愈发增大。传统的台式示波器因其尺寸较大,不适合工程人员野外工作,这增长了便携式示波器的需求。此外传统示波器的测量功能有限,已经不能够满足更为多样的需求,更为智能化和多功能才是未来发展的趋势。Android操作系统有便于开发,应用多样,功能强大的特点,适合作为多功能示波器的软件环境。所以设计一款简单易用、自动测量并能够直观显示的便携式数字示波器很有价值,而且该示波器具有支持手指多点触控,显示色彩绚丽,操作界面友好等特点。本项目目的在于设计一款基于Android系统的便携式示波器,本文主要工作为数字示波器的处理器平台设计。本文主要研究用于数字示波器的核心板的硬件设计。本设计里的核心板采用三星公司的Exynos4412芯片作为核心处理器,其主频高达1.5 GHz。设计使用1 GB DDR3存储器和4 GB i NAND FLASH构成最小系统,为平台整体提供了强劲的硬件方面的处理能力。处理器平台采用连接10.1寸LVDS液晶显示屏的设计,采用电容式触摸屏支持五点触控。处理器平台还设计有USB接口,串口,以太网口,SDIO,C2C等多种接口,方便与多种外设连接以实现功能扩展。此外,结合高速数字电路的设计特点和相关要求对数字示波器处理器平台核心板的印制电路板进行设计,并对DDR SDRAM控制器和电路设计进行了相关研究。
[Abstract]:Digital oscilloscope is the most common testing tool in the field of electronic measurement, which is widely used by researchers and engineers. Due to the continuous development of science and technology, various electronic devices are developing rapidly towards miniaturization and precision. The increase of signal frequency makes the influence of signal integrity on the normal operation of electronic equipment more and more. Because of its large size, traditional desktop oscilloscope is not suitable for field work, which increases the demand of portable oscilloscope. In addition, the traditional oscilloscope has limited measuring function and can no longer meet the needs of more diverse, more intelligent and multi-function is the trend of future development. Android operating system has the characteristics of easy development, diverse application and powerful function. It is suitable for the software environment of multifunctional oscilloscope. So it is very valuable to design a portable digital oscilloscope which is easy to use, automatic measurement and can be displayed intuitively. Moreover, the oscilloscope has the characteristics of supporting multi-touch control of fingers, colorful display, friendly operation interface and so on. The purpose of this project is to design a portable oscilloscope based on Android system. This paper mainly studies the hardware design of the core board used in digital oscilloscope. The core board of this design uses Samsung Exynos4412 chip as the core processor, and its main frequency is up to 1.5 GHz.. The design uses 1 GB DDR3 memory and 4 GB i NAND FLASH to form the minimum system, which provides the strong hardware processing ability for the platform as a whole. The processor platform is designed with a 10. 1 inch LVDS LCD and a capacitive touch screen to support five-point touch. The processor platform is also designed with USB interface, serial port, Ethernet port, SDIO,C2C and other interfaces, which can be easily connected with a variety of peripherals to achieve functional expansion. In addition, the printed circuit board of the digital oscilloscope processor platform core board is designed according to the design characteristics and related requirements of high-speed digital circuit, and the DDR SDRAM controller and circuit design are also studied.


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